The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'The Long War'


Don’t go to war my darling, don’t go to war
keep safe and sheltered
as the war drums beat again even more.

Don’t spare your life precious to me as it is.
Don’t kill off your potential for peace
and the love of life for everyone.

Don’t have a heart thickened by that warring disease.
Don’t irradiate yourself in some form of desert wilderness,
for who did you say these were,
these people different from ours at home?

Not much to worry about the political evidence is –
they are to send in the troops from black waters
and then above fly drones.

Thank God for America the land of the free
where no-one is responsible
but a contractor and a drone like me.

November 7th, 2014

Who are you

Oh no I feel it, I sense it, I know it,
surely not another war.
Worldly coming events mounting,
I do appreciate the need to address.
But surely not another war….
War does appear outrageous,
Diplomacy where are you, surely not a war.
First find a reason why so forward bent.
Is it a greed issue
or a major need for another worldly war statement –
a bravado event?

Who are you America? – A war ravaging machine?
If so I dare you take down a liberty girl
as crass and unseemly – contradiction to the core.
Who are you really, Mr Aggravated War?

Be who you are, don’t pretend
deceitful may you be, but to another country
a monger, that is what we know of you
as blind Miss Liberty is not in our nature
to be Miss or Mr Hypocrisy.

The truth for us not a constancy of lies.

Don’t hide your barrel
we can see you for miles.
Loud and trumpets blazing
an ugly sight indeed.

Courage – I don’t think so.
More a spoilt wounded child.

October 27th, 2014

The greatness of man

The greatness of man.
How do I write about the facts of a man,
the greatness of adventure, inventiveness and war?

Triumphant poses, regal stance –

No amount of statues, paintings and sculptures of bronze.
No amount of mausoleums, wondrous parks of play,
buildings lit for all to see those names
meant for the ages and of course public display.
No amount of heroes triumphant at battle plays.
No amount of fairness when greed is his to portray.

How do I define this gentleman of greed, property and wealth –
lands of plenty while the rest of humanity lives in poverty
and bleeds?

The ancients decry –

No more you foolish mental madman at play.

July 24th, 2014

Plenty to hide

Secrets are everywhere – plenty to hide.
Men in their pyjamas creeping around in the dark.
Women loitering, children drug-induced
what is the world coming to or has it lost its sense?

No more harmony, peaceful retired
energy never-ending no more personal pride.
Loss is the decade as many previously found,
but who has an answer, no Jesus now around?

Head trips are everywhere,
people boast with a pride
how wealthy and triumphant
as if a personal wealth-induced prize.

No sense of dignity the race wars increase.
Poverty an outrage in one of the richest lands
the globe has to invent.

No example of humanity at large, only night fighters
or is it the secret barrage of a bomb-laden drone
in the evil of night skies.

I have to begin to understand us, this twenty-first deluge.

What is it about us that appears to prefer
damage rather than preserve?

God oh God, what sort are you –
you who supposedly invented a human form
to live upon this once beauteous Earth?

Don’t under estimate the power of a man,
one who has been to war at least, the very least,
know what in that circumstance he can in violence abuse.

July 20th, 2014

Who shall weep…

My heart is broken,
my head is gone.
No place no more
for me to be found.

I am lost and lonely,
dead and gone
and who shall weep my tears now…

Now that life after this war has gone –
memories of the madness fail to remember
again and again as was our plight.

So much, so young, so solemn we lay
of consciousness and more.
The place of loss, horrific-ness
there are no more cruel violations left
to be explored.

Done and dusted
we here lament and cry…
No more further warring –
too many battles and crimes they fed
for years of plunder felt
as each man, woman and child do know
and now lament in a total lasting grip of grief.

Poverty assailed man’s mind
and hence war claims his body
and we who lie among this burdensome lot
cry out our cries continually …
no more war you silly flock
peace is what next is required to be explored.

January 3rd, 2014