The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Songs of Sorrow'

Voices from the Front

Horror has but only one tale
the advantage of which is the memory trail.
Trial upon trial reverberates
the mind of disquiet never stops the painful state.

Give me a rest, a peace
I can breathe no longer
the taste of flesh and blood and smoke and disease.
I am a man of valour I know,

But what of the carnage
whom ever is to know
as my mind does repeat the stories I have seen
and oh how horrid they are
to those, as I who too have been to battle and seen.

May 8th, 2011

Voices from Passchendaele (2)

Horror has a funny tale after the event
the peaceful repose
the ugliness
is covered by glorious shades of green,
but in these dark tempestuous woods
lies a battle,
a story most misunderstood.

There for those to whom do care
tells a tale of anguish and horror
a person is to supposedly bare.

But when all is left and quiet
the stain of man is ever present
in those to whom shall mow this ground
for although no apparent sound
the meaning of pain belies the ears
as filled by the enormous flood
of eons of years of tears.

May 1st, 2011

Voices from Passchendaele

Here I am
among the woods I lie
settled down and no longer have to try
and kill my fellow human beings
ones like I, the inner soul
who has no meaning
to that which I had chosen to do.

April 28th, 2011

Voices from Ypres

We are alone
We are not rested here
the battle over,
the songs of sorrow are long

And our days of misery
are not worth the agony our memory holds
And to us, not you
it now belongs.

God give us the grace,
the blessings now required
to live our lives
of misery they do contain
in peaceful sorrow we have to remain
and you, in your living have no idea,
but genuflect

Pity help us
why you cannot rest
our lives of who we are
to now in sorrow
deeply sadden do attest.

April 26th, 2011