The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Songs of Sorrow'


People are crying losing out on life
People are famous and losing out of freedom in life
People are poor, hovering to find a shelter and warmth at night.

Often in life people have no means to develop understanding about themselves but prefer ignorance and dispute other people for their interest, research and value of life.

Other people engage regularly for various socially acceptable sporting and creative events.

Others depend on nurture, fostering of a family pride in relationships and building on that in a life time of effort, challenges and too dilemmas of other people imposing upon them values unlike their own.

Integrity and fellowship are often left waning as is consideration and tolerance, empathy and care in a 21st century vacuum of selfishness, violence and war.

Some people gather to worship God unknown.

Others declare a war on behalf of a known or similar God to not be called to blame.

Some even sprout Gospels and feel righteous as indignation in them is yet again inflamed.

Somehow dilemmas arise out of nowhere, other people not necessarily to be blamed
but regardless uncaring if slaughter or poverty is to happen via another people’s shores.

Foreigners as migrant unwelcome especially if of another colour, creed or ideal.

Some say salvation another damnation and hell of war be their cry.

Some disaster prone others no hope to aspire, some born into a religion others acquire.

No hope to understand man on the run, 21st century is stuffed yet as prior
but certainly well and truly downhill run gathering speed as we here are to speak.

Lost for words no hope ahead search out your memory bank, for the financial institutions
are well and truly financially rooted, no more money, but to print.

God is in the larder man on the precipice hoping to gain another bit.

What, of course the question God says yet again – naught in the end.

Loss and foreboding what else when damnable activity was the choice of the day.
Menu rather futile crumbs a luxury these days.

Gods in the counting house, few of course. 1% estimate but their coin off-shore of course.
Four and twenty black birds around the central core, unfortunately black ops so no expense spared.

But those poor magpie birdies as they are, live now not in a pear shape but Guantanamo.

Look now careful don’t despair, love is what in the end was on offer
but God thought of man far too dispirited to give even that a go.

‘So, what happened?’, declared an innocent soul…

‘I gave them a laxative and the bog is over-run with the toxic elements they have fed,
bled and lacked as their life flittered away’.

July 6th, 2015

No place to run

Fun forever lost now as that of a continuum,
the old warring drum.

So safely tread my dear so safely as you tread.
Perilous is the time ahead, no place, no fortune left.

God declares as to a man
you fool you lost your genius,
that of a divine and pure knowledge thread.

Caves are a way to future safety –
I am not entirely sure.
But a first point to begin
then head toward a port, river
or satisfy yourself with that movement
as droves of your fellows had to before.

Migration – I don’t think so.
This that I am to say is more about a survival
western civilization has never before endured.

That of other cultures, nations you have destroyed.
They had to uproot,
so now you can experience what it was for them.
And to you will suffer even more.

Movement rising guaranteed.
Ideal – I suggest essential
to avoid the punishment
your own kind will need now to inflict.

October 29th, 2014

God help the next generation

Peace is what is called for
in a twenty-first century war zone.

No help, hope or advice,
listen a bi-word of no import.
Sadly, gravely life on this planet
is headed for a human planet divorce.

God help the next generation.
Who or what is a God?

No one else appears of good intent
or is that by ignorance
or what we on Earth lack –
good intention, peaceful practice.

August 8th, 2014

No time for sentiment

Radio communication lost along a trail.

Sorry – no time for sentiment
war is about to wage
and hell about to be born.

No sense of triumph
No sense of how…
how to stop the violence
man now on the inhumane trail.

No time.
No defence.

A once quiet scene

Trust came along and belted me in the ear.
I heard the sound, the crack upon my mind.
Whatever had I been doing out there –
globally, violently, abusively –

Man, what a monster
when life and death appear so unfair.
Crime – no,
a disaster upon a once quiet scene,
a life enhancing, grace-filled space
destruction now – now no place free or safe.

January 27th, 2014

Constantly they come

Constantly, constantly coming to me; the men.
I am unable to bear their stories of woe,
their voices extra-ordinarily high pitched in tone
whisper, not more than a gargle, rumble or groan.

Where do they come from, how do they come
and call my name; who is behind this terrible
frustrating gaggle of men, ducks at a party
being shot by their keeper, their lord?

What of this tale – life is rotten, riddled by a disease.
No way of rescuing this plight, the damage pervasive,
endless crime.

God in Her glory sang out no more war and victory
as man does declare,
She in her haven cradles a cripple, a wounded soldier
who lives no more, but strafed by fear
for what he has had to bear, says no man again
should have to experience the same.

No more violence no more war,
Man is dying.
Life on our planet is rich no more.

November 17th, 2013