The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Songs of Sorrow'

The valley of death

Take me away from the excesses of war
that starve my human potential.

Give to me a world away from the violence
portrayed on every nation.
Give to me the valley of gold
that enriches the beauty
I have and hold within me.

Love that life.
Gift that joy
with more of the peace-filled harmony
that guides and protects.

And no longer subject me to the hate
of those who perpetrate such crimes.
Criminals of every kind.

No humour in my life but pain
to see such vile portrayal
of human disgusting behaviour

Regardless of the knowledge
that we each are sacred vessels
of more potential
than what war repeatedly scores
for those few vile and ugly souls.

August 22nd, 2016

Wake up and own

Send me a message loud and clear
there will be, no more war.

America and Western Allies
wake up and own
you are the plague
of what now you blame.

from war torn lands
from where you
war and plunder.

Who is the terrorising machine?

Surely not the natives
you have foolishly,
without a heart, displaced?

May 28th, 2016

Turning earth into a square

Some say of this earth it is round,
but I say square.
For in the West as you are now aware
there is so much more painfulness and lack of care.

No one considers it appears
that war is the raging rage on many a sphere
turning earth into a square
where everything is going wrong
and no hope in the future for others to be prepared.

For what will be a lack of life
if the burden of nuclear rapes the earth?

May 6th, 2016

Message bringers know

God help the viciousness in man.
God help the hungry,
those that ache for a fight and war.
God help the devils playing god
with other people’s lives,
believing they are the prophets
of a democracy needed on every land.

These are the righteous
right up everyone’s complaining door,
the ones believing God chose them…
with all other people to be harshly dealt.

They know what they are doing
bleeding us to gain wealth
beyond what is reasonable,
leaving property and ruination
without a care or consideration for the long haul
and here I do know
no time now to heal or restore.

July 31st, 2015

The American gamble

The American gamble…
life short – expendable
life worthless – criminal
life purposeful and meaningful –
not for those who claim exceptionalism.

Trial over
life begins again
America this time around
sadly – does not win.

July 27th, 2015