The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Responsibility'

Satisfaction guaranteed

Satisfaction guaranteed…
How can I explain my losses in life
the decisions I made and those others
not within my control?

Simply said…
You are only now to do what is ever possible –
love all that is that person you yourself have become
and who knows what or where or who
that other person you now feel grieved
as they may never have become the person you are
and have been to date.

And think how different each step
whether that life path
was not who now you are and have become.

So I say with heart in mind,
be very pleased about your life so far
for the people you know and enjoy and love
as they, in that other world of grief
may not have all been part thereof.

August 11th, 2013

Check your weather gauge

Take a little rainbow toss it out to sea
see how fine now the weather –
but not for long.
The seas have a life all of their own
rough and wild, calm and ripple free,
but our life is similar so why suffer, what,
like the sea, until it turns
and then wise to go inside and ask in safety,
what type of preparation
before you venture into further rough weather,
storms and uncertain seas.


Check your weather gauge
before you venture into an uncertain pattern
of environment likely to question as to why…
why you like rough uncertain seasonal outbursts
in preference to calmer more consciously aware days
and plain sailing?

August 7th, 2013

Wake up

Horrible isn’t it we all have to lie.
Lie as if normal to exist
well even that is itself a lie.
Most people of goodness
come out and parade their woes
those of life’s hardship
hitting out at their community’s social loss.
And I am no different,
but my cry is more one of shame
for I left the good life and now bunker driven
for my life source is out there hung and dried.

July 27th, 2013

Greed and liars

How can I be
an honourable soul
as greedy men prance by
clad in the finest,
a house I could buy?


July 27th, 2013

What would you do ….

Suppose we were under attack
what would YOU do…

Go for a gun
and shoot man face to face
or wait for a political decision
and bomb blast the surface where we stand?
Or ask what and who
whereby a need to direct our attention
and band, so collectively we are clear
in our attempt to stave off who…?

Who has the answer to
why now someone would attack?

Surely you are not so blind
as to ask such a question,
more important to be aware as to why.
Then a truce maybe and collect a reason
as to what now in discussion
we can do to solve for each,
as the problem affects both…

So now what are WE to do?

July 25th, 2013