The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Responsibility'

The word is out

Do you hear what I hear?
Do you see what I see?

The word is out. The weather vein of life is about to crumble as the world at large succumbs to more violent ways of behaving. And why you may well ask as you are the perpetrators of your own fate when you leave the bidding to others to dictate.


The weather around the globe is changing and the current approach to the finer things in life is why we are in this present dilemma. The time is ripe to once again either bide your time and end up in the never world of despair, or get up, dust off and begin to ask some very powerfully important life survival questions.
Do you see what I can see in the never ending strife on planet Earth? And can you imagine even for a moment what that will eventually lead to regarding your safety and life style behaviour?

Change, that is what it will eventually lead to.

And why? Because you are not in any way responsible for the day to day changes on the planet let alone the life survival rules that underpin the necessity for Earth to be capable of supplying your life needs. And why may I ask, are you so very stupid and in a denial state? Could the reason be that such questioning may produce fearful answers that seem to be beyond your knowledge in regard to your life and what that life is worth? Let alone have any responsibility to probe the never ending tragedies occurring daily due to the current state of global war.

Who am I?
I am your powerfully influential conscience and I sit here daily within your head and wonder who the hell you are and who you have been talking to other than me.

You are one of the most difficult individuals to approach openly with heart, to address some of these most vital life survival skill based needs.

Who are you?
I am sure you are of immense worth, but it does not arise out of the day by day happening in a world that denies its truth and functions on false information and diabolically sourced knowing.

Who am I?
I am the ability to question when that time arises for you to be open and make amends for your lack of responsibility for your life source. That source by the way is an immensely powerful one which can provide answers for your questions. Take a break from the entertainment industry and wake up to those factors influencing your life at present.

Where do you think you are in a world that forces other people to leave and become drifters in a harsh environment than they have been subjected to by your people to date?
What element of the tragedies occurring in the world at the hands of your westernised popularised narrative do you really believe?
Are you so incredibly stupid not to take some form of interest in the current state of the global scene?
Who has your best interests at heart?
And I again ask, what type of heart do you operate out of or from?
Is it one that is easily pleased and can altogether avoid the most difficult obvious occurring?
Do you assume that the world is easily undertaken and subjected to the violent behaviour given by your westernised democracy, which of course is not at all democratically geared?

Who are you when your world order explodes upon a movement that did not have your best interests at heart? In fact has you in sight of a gun barrel or bomb, a target sight of some form to enable their life interests now to be better equipped to live a life of more than was previously allowed by your government of which you are the voting arm?

I say this and too, not lightly I must admit.. You are the scum of the earth and in that have a responsible task to emit another view for me to bear witness, otherwise you are an irresponsible idiot to believe that the world is the responsibility of other than for you.

You are this type of person and not normally so I guess, but when you live with your proverbial head in a saucepan of muck then you have to expect somehow and on some day or date I will arrive and bear witness to your demise. And for what reason when you are quite adequately geared to alter, adjust, consider, view and precisely have a good look at yourself along that proverbial line.

God is, you are, we together form an information source which you deny and I supply here with my head in the sand as no place but death in the individual I am here placed into.

Who are you when I am unable to awaken you from that place of deathly slumber?

You are no more than a nuisance which I am afraid I am stuck here with until your eventual death.

What do I see and what do I hear? Well, a bloody lot more than for what you are able to comprehend and as such my wisdom source is ever present and asking of me why?
Why you are not able to grow up, stand upon the soil of your meritorious self and indicate a knowledge that defies the rest who are to believe life is of a mere consequence and in that do not care either upon their own life choice nor about others to whom their lack of decision imposes cruelly harsh penalties.

Who am I to you?
Your source of wisdom to enable you to grow in a way that will eventually, hopefully supply a greater source of knowledge to whom will benefit.

And why?
Because without a developing and broadening consciousness the life on this planet as with the next generation, will only die to that never ending devilment presently being expressed daily.

I am, you are what in a world of undeniable violence?

The arm of deliverance.
And what does that entail?
Death, deadly disease of mind and body, limb by limb at a time as the worth of your innocence gets replaced by the horrible landscapes and desolate state of every living source required for life to be living on Earth. And that is you my friend who ever you are on that outside plane of existence where death and deadly apparatus are being developed to suppress any form of existence for you to live a normal and quietly placed living standard.

And what does that entail you ask, of course you are to ask as you are no way clear of who you are and why you were even born.
That entails a world where you are slave to those who rule and believe me they are not so pleasant once the guns and machinery surround your every space and airwaves.


There is a rabbit in the warren where hell plays a part. And that brings vibrant colours as death to those who are in that hole. But let us look at what that actually means. It does infer that if life gets worse as it is presently heading, then the only place for you will be in a burrow with those poor little folk and they of course have little to do, but move on and let your horrible soldiers to come in and burn the burrow through and through.


That being said it is all about the way in which you as society has allowed for and undertaken to permit without question the ways in which the progression of violent acts, humiliating acts and violent behaviour to survive for so long.

Go listen to your heart. If you can hear a beat, then there is a possibility for an altered state of mind and a more lenient approach to the value of all humankind including your poor self.

Who am I?
Without any doubt your only hope.
And why is that? Can I offer a suggestion?
Because within your ever increasing mindset we are to end with a tragic end if you are now not prepared to own your like choices and develop a newer more kindly approach to those to whom are not your standard. For when you are to face the enemy within, your true self, there you are to find the worst of a kind – your behaviour despicably placed.


Give time and you will recover and here is a suggestion..
Value your life as if there was no other but you on the planet.
Give over to those dastardly irresponsible behaviour traits and life will be far easier.
Don’t despair as it is a matter of time before you succumb to that deadliest of diseases – fear.
Give yourself time to benefit these thoughts and consider yourself incredibly lucky to have had this personal view.
Do not expect any praise as there is none to be given for this is a ride that requires an honest approach and a value-add type of mentality missing now in your case.
But do not despair as the world is in need of your positive approach and genuine life style. For here in the aftermath of a tragic situation you are then able to come to the party and provide some form of truthful response that will entail change and deliver a more favourable outcome.

You are worth the investment so…

Do you hear what I am about to say or not?
Do you see the world around you or not?

That is a reasonable approach given you are now sleeping most of the daytime and into the night where life on several levels of existence is trying desperately to reach your small ill informed brain cell.

November 2nd, 2014

Falling through a crack

God help me I am falling through a crack,
the Devil Master inside my head
blew a hole while I slept.

My guarded self lay idle
instead of waiting quietly, patiently in prayer.
I dreamed a dream that was so unlike me.
In fact, cruelly of someone
who had treated me abominably you may say.
Behaviour not good – quite unfair.

Life is a prison when you step outside that square,
but fall into the void – the Devil quite readily steps in
and that my friend is choice not unfair.

November 29th, 2013

No time to run

No time to run, the race has begun
and we are far behind the rest of the crew.
We have to make ready, but I am quite unsure
for the news has just been broken – and not on Fox News.
The word on the underground papers of truth
have warned all we bloggers from a source deep throat.

What if the world is under siege
do we think America, or the rest of the globe?

The point being made is quite, quite clear
that we in America fear any other breed
for we are the one’s with the powerful elite,
even though they share nothing
and our whole universe is under threat.

Violence on the street and in the home,
wars raging globally not of our own
for we are the innocent
and every where is to blame.

We are the perfect heroes
whether people want us to invade
and corruptly disadvantage our social order
and conviction of fair play.


October 14th, 2013

Entry to that gate

I sought to find the answer
about God and His mates –
those about this Heaven
and entry to that gate.

No one bothered to ask me,
prior to my death
and now I am dead
there is definitely no time to waste.

Heaven poses a problem
I’ve led a most unsatisfactory life,
but I’m planning an excellent strategy
in defence of my horrible behaviour
and hence damage upon the Earth,
I am about to vacate.

September 17th, 2013

To agree or disagree …

Printable and usable
that’s the way I like it.
No mistaken understanding
black and white or grey –

Legible, discernible,
but printable and usable
it’s up to you then to decide
to agree or disagree.

Many a voice has spoken –
is yours one of them?

August 24th, 2013