The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Postman'

Who do you think you are…

So you think you’ve joined the human race.
What are the signs, clues or understood entry
I have no idea at this point
Man seems oblivious
as if what is to be happening
is on another planet way, way off.
No visual to mark this catastrophe
plaguing every land and waterway,
no planet space safe.

Go tell the universe man has gone mad
and I appear to be pointless
as a messenger of that word.
‘Man wake up, destruction needs to end.
Build and restore not devastate, kill and end’.

Go begin a conscience and decide who you are
as the Devil loves a player
and you are what he has as stands.
Do you know your outcome…

Death my friend from where I on Earth do stand.

July 3rd, 2013

Say hello to mankind

Crime among the many, but who are you in your day
Guilty or shameless, that be the question for your mind to ponder
Answer, I dare you answer – for you yourself are too to blame.

Say hello to mankind
the music both sour and sweet
What is his purpose
as the world at present
seems to appear trodden,
discarded underfoot.

What has man become,
but a voice-less stand for naught
And who are we then, the many,
but a pointless lot.

So what are we to do…
as the land we occupy rots.
Stand upon the soil and claim no more detritus?
Give us back a say
so in the future we are able at least to make out
we did a little to save our race – human dare I say.

So in your hour of midnight
restless and unable to sleep
know this, that you are a powerful stand
when your heart is open, no longer blind
to what in ignorance you chose to neglect.

Violence now your way of life
and savagery remains
No amount of wonderment as technology
will save you or your planet
Death the game you chose
to viciously unleash and play.

July 2nd, 2013

The Messenger

The postman

The postman knows what he has to do
his work load street by street
the unknown in his sack
for those he drops in numbered boxes,
only they to open know that information
and then to the messenger say hello or mistreat.

Go in your wilderness
the world around you now.
How is it possible
for you to become aware?
Even the messages, clearly precise
are being destroyed
as you neglect the very source
as a basically ill-informed
human, lost unknown form.

July 2nd, 2013