The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Pilgrimage'

Lost are we

Saviours are everywhere,
but no-where to be found.
Sanctity is what they crave
and hidden material is what they stave off
from individuals craving for their gold.

Problem with a society – no thanks
for what an evangelist has to relay.
A simple tone of information
no hidden clues –
only love of man and no harm
to those of us trying to improve.

Lost are we…
to that word of breath upon our heart.
Love is a dirty word – far, far too difficult
far easier to hate and hurt.

God bless that soul who wandered free
wanting our saviour-self to be released
and value all of humanity.

July 28th, 2014

What have we learned…

Constant evolution, but what have we learned?
Is there any part of our life experiences that gives us the answers
to what is of vital importance and which to discard?

God help the sinner who is trapped within past pain;
doubting Thomas, the rest all far too vain.
No understanding, no conceptualised view, lacking moral fibre
let alone the right to live a harmonious life if one is to so choose.

So many sanctimonious hypercritical affairs,
love on the door step over a few, very few wept tears.
Whatever occurred to lose sense of our true code –
life, all life is so precious
how is it now we can throw it so idly away
as if spent milk from a cow?

There is a sudden urgency
does anyone really care
if life on this planet ends
and we all end up particles of nothingness,
a blot upon this once clean, pure air?

July 21st, 2014

God in the mind of man

Quietly spoken easy to miss
the master of observation
reveals what he observes.

Silently awakened a mind previously shut
opens up on a continual basis
as time and dedication to reflect
is held as sacred that of the divine
within our own head.

So much information,
knowledge beyond our own,
comes in abundance
when one is capable, adequate to that task.

My life is an adventure
as I wander life’s extraordinariness,
but what of my own experiences,
how against this once proud place
do I, amidst this tumultuous world, attest?

God in the mind of man openly portrays
whatever is required if time and patience,
respect and no denial is part of one’s life’s pace.

July 16th, 2014


It came to me and I said – why?
It came upon my mind
and whispered earnestly…

Your job, task or employ is now upon my time
when I call upon the sacredness of your heart,
that part within a mind so beautiful and responsive
when you allow the time to listen earnestly
and with a desire to so do.

Give and you will receive
and I answered what…
what am I to receive?
And they, the voices of divine wisdom,
thoughts of the ages replied
God’s pure word love.

July 12th, 2014

Out of nowhere

I saw a shadowy figure
come out of a darkened scene.
His eyes were quite blood shot
as if blood circling
and swirling in a white stream.

Somewhere out of no-where
the scene began to create
a type of hysteria
as a crowd heavily armed
began to reverberate.

Nothing quite like this scene
before had evolved,
but now the gentle-man
who had come around to the crowd
calmed them from a state of agitation
to that of a beneficial outcome
and sang the song of peace.


July 8th, 2014