The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Phase Change'

Stand up … be counted

Tragedy, tragedy where ever does it end
the soul reaps what, when man collapses
to the sways of evil men.
What am I to say, such as these words?
Well, read between the lines and fair
where does it be-lie all the finance debacles,
losses immense, stolen in fact – that is their line of defence.


July 16th, 2013

Ask what for …

To be a winner
play your own mind game
change those seductive greed-orientated
media corporations’ games.
Idle mentality seduces those who fear the worst
ask what for
and whose game plan is to gain?


July 15th, 2013

The value of my name

The value of my name
is slipping by the by.
I have no reason to lie
as those selfish so and so’s
are lining their pockets with gold
and I have no way of being part of their graft
as my name no longer bears that brand
where human existence gave a fellow life traveller
a reasonable chance to share
upon this once so honourable land.

Take away a humanity’s care
for their fellow compatriots
on this golden space in time,
next you are at war
or violence on your own small isle home shores.

July 11th, 2013

Possible Phase Change

Possible solution
possible phase change
who has the power
inside that of you?

Part of the physical
has an emotional response.
Part also the mind is the answer,
question is the process
to know more of you.

Find the answer you require
step by step so as not to exhaust,
but transpire.

July 10th, 2013

No hope of change

Don’t know how the world goes
but surely not this way…
tragedy, mayhem
no prayerful attempt to change greedy thoughts.
They appear to seduce us all
among those westernised views.

No hope of change
Despair on its way
Criminal activity explodes on our air waves.

Who has our clue?
Who knows?

God, please advise
I know not what to do.

Go help your sinner
that thief inside your brain,
the one who prefers negativity of thought
to rule supreme.

July 8th, 2013