The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Phase Change'

Build another model

Suddenly I started to wind back the clock
for fear was circling about what I felt as fact.
The world in trouble, screaming to be heard
I saw an opportunity to slow, but a third.

But in this mind of over work and little play
I had to write my memoirs for those remaining
when this fragile world had only a few to live,
after explosive revelations
that the men in power had been far too hasty
and blown us with their political agenda into mid air
where life, but a particle, fell as toxic dust
polluting the whole environment –
so hence few were spared.

Take a moment
think beyond a square hole
build another model
so dust particles no longer come
into spaces so easily for you.
Your mind is too able to soak up
that disgusting pile of dust and political rot.

August 3rd, 2013

Catastrophe looming

Catastrophe looming
I feel it in my bones
no hope of stopping
that awful hideous flow,
but then we are to blame
each and everyone of us
who chose to be ignorant
and deny the obvious decades ago.

Be ignorant.
Yours is to manifest and fear the game
hence wars abundant
and like a drone
you blame the game on someone else
never look toward yourself
but hide inside your prison-like sanctuary
so to me you now have to decide –

Face up to your fears
or be buried in the crush.

July 28th, 2013

Think is the answer

Catastrophe calling, are you there on line –
someone has said there is a debacle occurring
and we need to prepare for the outcome onslaught.

Who has any answers about such as this crime?
Who has any idea who started this rumour
about our life style under attack?

My question simply put, what, where or when,
is this a mainstream source
or one deeply bedded well under foot?

The reason for my question is simply this …
I know now how accurate some are in relaying the facts.
Other sources are better informed
and others quite simply do nothing, but deaden our mind
causing others well informed to yawn in disgust.

The answer for today’s reader is a simplified note,
ask yourself
who and why, what for this information
and who is to be gaining what?

Think is the answer
Think about those facts
Think about your own life experiences
and of who or what
is way on or off the track?

July 21st, 2013

If you don’t who will…

Angry bystanders located everywhere,
where am I in this angry desperate affair?

No-one mentioned the gangs
were to be in town.
No-one said who and why
they ventured this way
and not another space or time.

I had a reason to become involved
as those of above us
stole whatever of good we had.
But yes, that I heard you say,
not even a soul was among that booty
as we here fight for our lives,
survival that is our cry,

Survival, preservation of life
and all that does entail.

If you don’t, who will…?

July 18th, 2013

Stand up and claim back your voice

I told you the first time and I will retell again,
this world, our planet, is crumbling, crying
and rumbling with discontent.

And why I ask you is this…
you are the culprits, you do the crime,
you punish the weak – corporations do the time.
But in that punishment theirs is overdue,
but also you, The Few’s minnows
for allowing them to disperse your monies,
the nation’s wealth.

And to you again,
stand up and claim back your voice – your stance is felt
then in that afterglow of a peaceful stand
march on to a hill where politics plays that deceitful role
admonish them all by staying on line
helping to barrage them into becoming so very upset,
but far more powerfully benign.

March with your hands and feet.
March and talk to whom ever each day
for in that article of effort you exert
another more powerful too will be at work – the army of others.

July 16th, 2013