The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Peace'

Value is in how you live

To live out your days
and not know
what it means to love
is a serious blight on humanity.


To have the essence of good taste
is not about the culinary virtues
of a good cook or chef,
but more about the value
of your life and in how you live.


To love and then steal
that virtuous gift
is to deny
that which is beyond love
and begins to be bliss.

October 31st, 2017

To Conquer is to Die

To conquer is to die.
To fight is to be killed.
To be dead is forever.

The truth – peace …
will create, enliven, beautify
and denounce all evil
including hateful deeds,
criminal acts, deceit, fear,
loss and conquer.

To watch and do nothing
is to die within
where the love of all
is cradled and valued,
virtuous to the end.

To live without fear
but do that
which is of the good
is in fact divine joy.

To undertake pain and live through
to value your life with a different take
that too is a joy, if that joy is understood
as the value to learn …
life is precious beyond all on earth.

October 28th, 2017