The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Meaningful View'

Can I be of service

Can I be of Service?
Can I help you if I can?
Are there any pending problems?
Can I ask once again?

As here, up high, the view is disastrous –
weather, climate uncontrollable.
Disaster – this is nothing,
because here the life on planet Earth
has been long overdue
for a much needed review
of your conscious appreciation
for the living on Earth.
But far more importantly
for those whose deaths are un-named. –
The children of a past generation
are likened to those now on Earth.
But far more of a serious nature
is the futility within our human birth.

August 15th, 2014

So many opportunities…

Stormy weather right at my front door
no protective shield –
how did this happen it’s happened before?

How many times
must I be adverse to this advice?

My life purpose always confronting
the object of my tale.

So many opportunities
time and again it appears,
but I, an idle fearful soul lost out –
how does this do
when God it did to me appear?

Life offers up opportunities
to show or shove us into a gear –
a purposeful direction,
but do we listen, observe or care?

Don’t risk a repeat of a disaster;
weather does not continue to repeat
only our humanness
appears blind, ignorant and weak.

July 17th, 2014

No-one has the answer

the weather of life changes
preventing our desired pattern to prevail.

the weather provides a sheltered effect,
camouflaged or protective mechanism.
But in the main we are who we are.

Choice is ours,
weather is only a gauge
of what our natural desires contain.
But who really brings the rain
and sunshine into our lives?

Who insists we grow, develop and learn…
is it from within that natural order of life?
Or are we, like the weather,
unable to know clearly until the snow falls,
the rain drops and the sun shines?

No one has the answer.
God does…
And who or whom or what is God?

January 6th, 2014

To catch a thief

If I had a penny farthing for every thief I found
I would have been quite rich in that world now underground.
But if I find a sovereign then that is quite a matter beyond the impound.

However, if I am a thief of the upper end of town
then any money I am to take and gain is mine – and hidden
where no-one can expect and it be safe
whenever I choose to roam from town to town.


August 15th, 2013


God what a shock

Suddenly there was no war – what would happen?

God, what a shock!

The view one had about life would change – but ‘how’ is the optimum word.

How would your life be if no war was ever felt possible again?

What would your life be if the world and yours in particular had no fear of loss, failure or heart ache due to the uncertainty of your own life’s worth?

The powerful belief that one is an isolated being is true, but not an entirely realistic situation when one lives in a world dictated by others who can cause and do cause demise.

The valuable lesson here is  – how do I , this individual being claim to be at peace when others around and even in my own world cause a disturbance, upset or injury?

The answer to all those questions about whether or not one is entirely free to be still, stand tall and own their right to exist comes down to a point about whether one is prepared to value their life, regardless of those who believe that life is a mere flick, toss or irrelevance in the scheme of whatever they think at that time is required as a necessity. – Irrespective of a human being’s right to live amicably.

August 20th, 2010