The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Meaningful View'

At the crossroads

At the crossroads
of humanity’s opportunity
to change war mongering idols.
A legacy of history’s
poor judgement
and lack of fair play.

A disaster on all fronts
including life on earth.
So at the crossroads
who or what is to prevail?

The answer lies in your attitude
and in how your life is to play out.
Whether you have the courage
and behaviour response
to value every individual upon the earth.
And to consider how fortunate
to have this opportunity to develop
learning to live a fruitful,
peaceful and calm life.

November 17th, 2016

Purpose in life

Not to destroy what one has on offer
by relegating everything as a bad experience
or adventure-less life.
But giving over to that of love
and the value of one’s life.

What appears alright is alright.
But what did you store of that value-full thought?
Negativity surrounding that view, that thought,
or kept it in wonder as to why you and now?

There are purposeful problems and purposeful thoughts.
Purposeful actions
but who has the guide to know what is right?

The answer is everywhere if one is keen to adjust.
Look upon life as a learning
and no hope then for failure
but learning to live adjusting each day or into that night.

August 20th, 2016

There’s no more meaning …

There’s no more meaning God
I am trapped down here
in the flotsam and jetsam of reality.

God’s persistent call, my mind predicts.
Or else …
where does this mind come from in the West?
Creature comforts, devastation elsewhere
while we creatures gather and make a noise
as if hot blasted, but cold,
freezing nothingness into the air.

What type of syndrome?
What type of despair?
When we in the West cry poverty and declare
it’s coming in and we want no more of it –
refugees from who knows where?


April 12th, 2016

What view are you…

I had to be a window for God to see through
to guide where ever a clouded zone
I was being forced to enter into.

However can this be, a God within my mind
treasuring the path I was initially born to
and purposely formed?

My heart bleeding, he comes caressingly in
filling the brilliance of his message
at times when my life appears as if a nothingness.

How am I to be thankful,
other than to be too –
treasuring that magnificent window
he himself is a reflection, a reflective view?

Thankfully, I am a window
clear and thoroughly open
not value-less and dirty
as the world war does pursue.

There, but for God I can see.
What view are you,
out in the wilderness
choosing to pursue?

January 28th, 2015

Life expectancy

Expectation – deceit upon the door.
Life expectancy – one never knows for certain,
but there it is once more – catastrophe lurking.
Hopeful in my stance,
but future is uncertain
even though the writings previously
have been well and truly explored.

How is one to define a life on Earth
this special earthling’s play ground
when everywhere lurks disaster?
Who has, on this zone, been careless, incompetent
without any presence of the divinity of life –
healthy and clean fresh waters and air?

Mention the value of a life
and who can price that object – a human being.

Such wondrous examples
of a life time’s perfection,
but by whom and for what?

The mystery of life – breath
upon the inhalation of clean vital necessity –
that of divinely placed fresh air.

August 31st, 2014