The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Loss'


I hurt all day long,
I sing or shout in normal situations
long gone now as I sit on the porch
my home owned by the squalor of banks
selling my soul at whim.

And in this debacle
I lean more closely to my one and only son.
The other died in emergency
for the lack of appropriate drugs
that were available but monies
for such as these life saving event
cost him his life.

Now no home for us, we two now left.
My husband shot himself in the head
hanging preferred but he had his gun,
rifle I think.

I’m still in so much pain and shock
to know even then
911 did not in the end come
as they were elsewhere cleaning up
on a family of four gassed
in an oven leak.
Or that was more for the media I am certain
as we here suffer, regardless the same fate
for nowhere around, but for a tent or two …

More hope living on a grassy bank
but they are over flowing
with the previous collection
of debt ridden, horribly emaciated folk.

What a debacle why cry so much
as so many more like me, half crazed by the shock
that twenty-first century Americans live –
not in comfort, but punished where they stand.

Because those on capitol hill all powerful
and pockets bulging by political unrest
as the lobbyist via whomever does for them,
the corporations on Wall Street and the rest –
the very greed-hungry best.

Play with the Devil and fire and disease
is what is spread in the name of greed.

October 10th, 2013

We have been fooled

California calling …
The life blood of our wealth
and stars is on the line.
Many folk are moving
no more wealth stores there to easily define.

Hell appears to be burning year after year.
Is this a sign that this is
America’s weather load
about what is occurring all over –
our diminishing wealth across the globe?

No place of safety.
No place intact.
Devil me …
is that a race horse winner dying now
along that broken railing track?

God help the betting elite –
the sun is now shining
a whistle blower has come out to explain
how foolishly we all have been fooled
by the gods on the hill,
those fed by the Devil in Phd clad robes.

The Devil is dark, ominous and bleak –
sure it is not your conscience
in the dead of sleep?
Wake up foolish follower
wake up before night time is arresting
that soul – once was yours.

September 12th, 2013

Hang on …

Hang on I’m coming
the world is in decline.
Leverage is all I am hearing –
what a rort for the devilish kind.

No narrow street way is now safe to explore
the gods of the underworld
have hidden all your wealth
stored there amid the gold bullion
floating on paper above ground.

But we, the beavers, builders of dams
know well how long a stop-gap holds …
then hell and high water surface whatever
is being buried down deeply underground.

God help the speculators on high ground
their turrets being surrounded
by the hoards, the swells above ground.

T.V. commercials no longer spin
what government officials thought
would inspire political elites to win.

Now the tide is turning tornado like fast –
they have seen which side is best
for them to be aligned.

God help the gates
where bullion is supposedly stored,
looks like an elite target – N.S.A. reports.

The very least civil unrest.

September 11th, 2013

The data is wrong

Correction, correction the data is all wrong
the value of our life stock is depleting as we speak.
The world is in contagion mode and we fear the worse and yet
to come is the failing wheat bales that destroyed open fair game
when genetic engineering became a world’s fame.
No amount of data can be spared scrutiny
for the world’s madness has become a way of life.
No more can I stand the benefits of a difficult world order
and that affecting my life style.
I have come to a very, very difficult conclusion,
is it up to me to fight for the life I want
and have to come for my siblings and theirs to come again?
No amount of laughter will shift the affair
so grave I can hardly bear to talk,
let alone think about who I am in this most foul of horrible affairs.


August 10th, 2013

A corrupted man

So long my dear friend I’ll have to write again
my conscience is unswerving
I know now what must be done.
Write of a hero’s tale, a story of a corrupted man
who had no will anymore to reap all the rewards
of a criminal mind shifting monies for some elite crowd
to be ensuring their bounty unbelievable in size,
was well hidden, no taxes implied.

But what I was left with was a conscience
pricked one day when I saw that list
one filled by so-called political dignitaries
one upon one
down a hideously long page.

My heart sank
to believe so much crime
right up to the house – what a debacle
no hope for a war-less life.

There is a war-less life possible,
but who am I to cry
for I spent a decade shifting
a criminal crew’s bounty side to side.
Now I find drugs
was an underpinning of their source
what next – prostitution
and childhoods destroyed.

My life is so ugly, unbearable with shame
I know no newsworthy article will surface
they own each one without any truth
be to their name.

So surely ‘whistle blower’,
that will be their cry
when in fact I know first hand
it is the name used by them
when in fact
it should read ‘cover up again’.

August 1st, 2013