The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Loss'

Evil has landed

Evil has landed – where do I go from here?

God, do help if you are real and do exist,
but where oh where are you in all of this?
God I do pray you hear my prayer,
but what is a prayer and its use down here?

But cry I am to do from here on
as this disgusting place I live is lost
amidst a hellish putrid smell
as if in knowing I did know of a hell.

The air I breathe is putrid foul,
the land eroded and no good to plough,
the dirt adrift as if in a sand-eroded desert shelf.
I know no place as this that is left
description defies my mind of such as this,
but here I am amidst this life on planet X –

No name I give as once did exist
and we, the earthlings eradicate
to turn what was to plague and here we are
as if an air raid shelter lined us up to count
who’s who as if this did prevent us from a death.

And yet, here again no war thus far
as if life no longer can sustain.
So war a violent idiot game
instead we leave a remnant
no more of what was once a green existence –
purified air, water clean and pastures rich
now no more, but this…

How on earth, in one foul swoop,
could we do this to a given race,
take each and every land mass to a hell,
a horrible devastated disgrace?

God grant to a soul, if that exists
a place apart from this
that I, in hell on earth, do now face.

God oh God do you exist?

I now do earnestly plead my case
for in this present earthly space
I crave for what once I took
and did not feel was mine –

To love, honour and obey as if precious
and never ever once would be mine to have again –
each and every minute of each and every one
God given glorious sun-filled day.

September 15th, 2014

No hope of restoration

Send me home I want to be free,
free of the pastures facing me.
Barren and dry ravaged by drought
despair hollowed out within that dust bare ground.

Loss enormous, painful immense, torrid times,
the Devil’s ground barren, bare and spent.

Loss a bi-word, a conjured thought
pain and sorrow, suffering and disease
these are the scenes in which this planet
has been riddled by man and his eternal greed.

Long ago now, a time less turbulent
there appeared a soul of good intent,
who attempted to show how reversal would restore
and beauty once again would sow crops a-plenty,
trees green, grasses and flowers amassed everywhere.

Water abundant rivers and creeks clear,
soft water, fresh air as if brand new.
No hope of restoration I face here
far gone now no clean waters or air.

Suffer not, no more my darling one,
starve you wont
death is to be for you to face.
Love and embrace, but my strength is now weak
loss, but oh God help me
you will us both soon embrace.

No midnight dawn from now on
hopefully God will to us shine upon.

August 13th, 2014

What have you done

Sadly, I remarked…
God, what have you done to us here on Earth?
And the answer dark, within that mind of knowing…

Nothing at all.
Man has become a selfish, dissatisfied individual
and claimed a status beyond his own birth rite.
Whatever he or she or both have been a party to,
has cost society a place of worth on Earth.
Sadly, staining upon those lands of green,
grey matter of a toxic making.

I recalled once long ago a beauteous scene,
but now of this century found
life far more pleasant toward a destructive force
and here I can draw a line to which I add
no favours now for God, the Angel of Good declares –
life, that of man, cannot declare longevity
for this planet, once divine, has nothing left to be sustained.

Go burn the Devil’s route
and hence no more of good
and that be the answer
when you do arrive at old Saint Peter’s Gate.

August 7th, 2014

Shadow Dancer

Shadow Dancer come to me
I want to be aware
of who you are when the lights are on.

Wont you dance a joyful tune,
a melody of bliss.
I’m so tired of weariness,
hate and hurt and mess.

Life is so bleak upon this Earth,
tragedy enormous,
wars are man’s eternal joy
and peace an after thought.

But I am sure when this year is gone
another will burst forth.
But oh the worry as the crops die brown
and the trees are no longer tall.

Whatever will then become of man –
his own forever dead trail.

Take me home to a heavenly space
away from the doom and constant fear.
And shadow dancer who are you,
but my own misery upon a wall so bare.

To be or not to be …
Unmask yourself from death and dark ways.
Open you heart and see this world is naught,
but a shadow of yourself untamed.

July 9th, 2014


They sang and stared
then they sang again,
but did not hear.
The fear they felt
was way beyond any known.

But this most foul
and so strange a sight
brought the tears flooding
onto unsuspecting crowds.

For here, high up on hallowed ground
the Lord’s most reverenced angels gathered
on this Earth once beautiful –
they mourned its loss immense.

And shame
of such an enormous burden
fell upon man – his disgrace.

God, how futile man is
on such as grand an empire life is.

And yet in honesty claimed
the soul did try its best,
but greed in such an overwhelming crowd
failed to be recognising the good inside.

And hence violence and despair,
loathing and anguish,
sorrow and disdain
took him out and into this crowd –
and all that was left – be damned.

January 11th, 2014