The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Loss'


Invasion is a dirty, vile and uncompromising word
used indiscriminately for what in effect is,

‘I want your goods no matter how,
so why complain and expect something in return?’

Nothing much matters for us here in the West
idly watching film and television screens
whether large or small, carried around, attached,
as if some form of viral call to alarm us
of what is to prevail,
when in fact no more than useless idle chat.

August 7th, 2016

God speed

American downfall
and rest of Western World
personally claiming back
worth, integrity, responsibility.

Value-add not exceptional – had.

God speed America
you are on the decline to fall.
Every empire has a correcting mode
you unfortunately warred your way
to No Man’s Land
and loss now is to be your code.

July 28th, 2015

Shadows falling

Shadows falling deeply ingrained.
Shadows like never before
and definitely no-one there
to rescue me as was and is now.

Who else but my devilment inside?
God is light or so the old testament
of scholarship describes.
Sun no, nowhere as before
darkness, cloudless
just these damnable shadows
every which where.

God I despair of you come rescue me
from my pit dark as any
I have felt lost nowhere safe
to even cry, yell or shout?

Somewhere however a little light of day
rescues me from that pile of shadow-less creatures
surfacing in a boundless array.

Are you ever present
this God of a Biblical type text?
Or is there a more personal aspect in my mind
as a consciously felt trip?


March 8th, 2015

Today all but gone

I am so sorry Lord
I have been deceiving you now
for far too long
and in my present existence
hell appears to my mind
as if a Karmic Tantra all night.

And if, at any time,
peace inside my mind comes in
it is so very finite as if instead
my life is to barely hold on
to a very fine thread.

The angels visit too,
but where do they prevail?
Not in my mind – they appear to go off
on an entirely different trail.

God help me,
who ever in my mind you are
as all appearing now is a hell
in my finals days or is it now hours?

No hope for tomorrow – today all but gone.

January 13th, 2015

A suddenness within

I know you care for me America
but I feel a suddenness within,
a type of hysteria that makes me begin
to think quite clearly this time,
to evaluate not congratulate out of hand.

I saw a person standing on the street,
shivering and unkempt, but delicate on his feet.
I wondered in a country so opulent in wealth
how was this to be possible,
it kept me up all night from sleep.

What is it about the wealthiest place on Earth.
All that machinery to conquer
and yet no place for their own to be warm
and sleep securely at night?

That is a question I pose as I myself doze
here in the brilliance of a safe environment
you have not yet plundered or thought to invade.

November 6th, 2014