The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Loss'


Satisfied. I don’t think so
in a world dissatisfied.
Anti-depressives on the rise
Valium too, to deaden the pain
enormously increasing.
What is the gain?

Suicide accomplishes what?
People complaining – no need.
Just bored and tired
by their pace and speed.

No need to ask how the rest survive.
Wars and violence, killing obscene.
Where are the voices?
Where are they and seen?

Take care. Evil is rare
but what of you
what of your criminal intent
to harm and hurt, hate
and then what? – Life spent.

September 12th, 2017


Safety in numbers. No.
Safety when you step outside
and say, No …
no more war and difficulties
about relating to all –
especially one’s neighbours
of different colour and size
that do not actually add up
to your preferred, but arrogant side.


No further development required.

August 30th, 2017

Who are you…

Christ came.
Christ went.
But why crucify
love’s goodness intent?

Why suffer fools idle play?
Why convert love as hate
and make little inroads
as to why in your heart
you died a deathly lament?

Who are you …
as crucified, lost, abandoned
no help in sight?

What possesses man to stray
make a marriage and children
leave and not come back?

And in this climate of turbulence
why birth anything,
least of which
is that of suffering, pain,
insidiousness and regret?


March 9th, 2017

Sanctity of marriage

Sanctity of marriage
sweeps across my door.

Worthily I am challenged
as once I did but not now adore
all of that loving pride in its place
all of that inspiration and challenges
to my world inside as growth.

God, do help me this I pray
don’t desert me this now today
as I am to walk through that door and explain
why faithfulness was not what I had been to her
I once long ago did value, honour and adore.

Sorry state of affairs, affairs.

January 9th, 2017

No peace in sight

They leave no stone unturned
for they die over and over
no peace in sight
no breath of air
confused they lament
sad, no sorry
they did die for what …
they swim in the blood of loss.

December 23rd, 2016