The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Humanity'

The stakes are high

Sacrifice ‘what’, that is my question
as we are to be faced by another outbreak of war…
War of a disease, uncontrollable unless –
we are to wake out of a slumber
and into a real world crisis.

War is a virulent disease
and when one is stricken
then how is one capable of surviving?

The true facts are often hidden by the real propaganda misfits
as they prefer dumb and ignorant soles such as us
to be complacent and comply.

But forever more can we all stay as silent
as this now new event,
contagion spreading faster
than a conscience will allow to occur.

Who are we –
when faced by such a prophetic type of disease.
What type? Are you so sure of your interpretation
of this on our front home shores?


October 26th, 2014

Question who I am

Jesus calls me to question who I am
and why I do not count –
if he is God’s son why am I not one?

One with all that God has given
to a man and woman on Earth.

One with humanity

One with innocent peoples

One with people suffering

One with people in fear

And one with love, God’s elixir of life.

November 1st, 2013

Good men die young

Honourable men are discharged
good men die young
and the bastards who are to cheat and lie
are success number one. Why?


August 3rd, 2013

How Can We be Free of Our Past?

How can I be free of my past if I am unable to value that journey’s knowledge, historically for my future path ahead?

How am I to be relevant in a world longing to free itself from the pains and chains of old?

How am I to be of value if a world does despise its own human race
– where people are dying and being senselessly killed, corruptly denied their worth and their historical relevance.
– and also their own land and sea, waterways and soil’s potential and animal and vegetation sources of wealth too?

I am at last free of my past loss, but what of our future if we are to remain irresponsibly stupid to allow suffering and despair to prevail on all concerned. And not even care, or wipe a tear occasionally away from an eye?

What does prevail is loss, despair and corrupt dealings if we are even a little less likely to care about those people with whom we are acquainted, let alone those of foreign soils far, far from our sight. And in sight, yes of those to whom are responsible to the valuable worth of other people, yet deny them that validity and purposeful existence?

I am on an adventure, but who am I in a world of nothing more than corrupt and deceitful people if I am unable to claim back from that world my wealth in a spiritually enriching and rewarding sense?

A sense to know when I am in the wrong, the unacceptable and definitely incomprehensible state of play.

I am on a mission, a type of dedication to enable my mind of thought to embrace myself in a way that will be ever vigilant and source within that which is of a goodly and purposeful approach to life, people and the importance of valuing all life – no matter how big, small or in-between, in every aspect in each day, so that I am reminded of the life one has as precious and not easily restored nor ever to be replaced.

September 6th, 2011

Who We Are

Dark and ugly,
quite surreal
is this portrayal
of who we are
and not yet seen
portrayed here by Gaudi
what we are unable to know and view
of what in history we repeat
and now can somehow religiously view.

May 19th, 2011