The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Humanity'

Another way

Try not to walk the life of a saviour
there is no such thing.

For a saviour imperfect
is what in man God expects.
For learning,
as with a life on earth,
where a good soul portrays
man walks and talks
the miracle of worth
in each step he/she takes –

and in that a saviour is born
into a consciousness
for all to observe
as for them too
another way – to be portrayed.

March 8th, 2017

Are we truly, genuinely free

Poll this way.
Poll that way.
Poll another way.
What then, the toll on them?

Who decide not to go along
with those who are
to toll the bells for war?

And of those who oppose
where then, are they to go?
Safe, secure without harm.

Are we truly, genuinely free?
Or just do toll democracy –

Take care
that poll may toll on you.
No more secure
but bugged and tagged.
No freedom
but N.S.A. on your tail.

What sort of liberty?
Ask again
who tolls what, on your behalf?
Is it good or bad?
Does it include nuclear war?
Or peace and harmony, equality –
value for humanity?

October 5th, 2016


Courage is the art to uphold one’s truth.

The part inside oneself.
Honest about behaviour, past performance,
pain and disaster, strife, loss and failure.

About vengeance and that a useless waste in time.
About past acceptance, learning, tolerance
and overcoming the need
for perpetual shame and or grief.

The loss of time spent bemoaning who one is not.
The perpetual waste being someone
other than your gift ability and expressive self.

The courage
to value all human forms of life.
Preserve, relish and sanctify
that essence of your worth.
The part born with you at your birth.

The part often unacknowledged
and treated more with disdain
in a world full of unhappiness,
intolerance and continual Western complaint.


September 19th, 2016

What are we doing

Can you believe what is happening
to you in our world,
one human existence
upon a common ground?

There are voices, nuclear entrenched,
not forsaking the power
but of a misguided intent.

The world we inhabit
is in a perilous place.
World existence under duress
lacking not space
but of an ability to supply
the mouths of us all
to live in clean environments
and the required food
and water to survive all.


September 9th, 2016

Black lives matter

Black lives matter
or white lives are irrelevant.
Without open debate
between difference,
a growth toward humanity
does not exist or can survive,
in a future of immense need,
to communicate and relate
to all peoples of different culture,
ideas, understanding and values
of worthwhile peaceful ideals.

August 4th, 2016