The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Good Life'

Loss of love

God …
do bring me home
from this hellish place
called Earth.
So many forces of destruction
powerfully being played out
under the guise of corruption,
greed, lust, and injustice.

Don’t forsake my soul
of goodness, light and fair play …
and too of Your thoughts
of value, courage, responsibility
and wisdom.

Give me the courage
to walk and talk
of thoughts of You.


December 10th, 2016

Bless not blame

How can I help you
the gods cried out.
Sorry, I don’t know you,
that voice aloud in my head.

So much information.
So much to relay.
So much I do not know.
How to thank you,
but how do I change
I’ve been this way so long
nothing appears easy?

How do I change
to that of a goodly person
instead of the critical
and less positive person that I now am?

Love is the answer
the gift of the gods
be far less critical of yourself
and be thankful.
That is the message coming from well within.

A soul who loves you decries
now is the time to do just that –
bless not blame
give not take.
These are some of the starting points
for you and I to open up
heaven’s so incredible gate.

Be thankful – no more than that!

August 29th, 2014

Faster than a bullet

Faster than a bullet
down a major highway
faster than a bullet
shot out into space
faster than anyone or anything.

Whatever is it …?
Life –
that is what is faster
than for any other thing.

Don’t take your chances
shoot real straight
for in that endeavour
there is a slim as slim chance
you may be granted heaven
in the final round.

If not who knows
burn out or burn up
who does know
or who does want to care.

The chances of life being absolute
is a misnomer
and if you go that way
you will probably die in bed
without a care
and in where you are bound.

But if life matters that is yours per say
let us hope beyond hope
that you stay straight
on that life is for living highway.

September 3rd, 2013

Be at peace with who you are

People are the source of their own life story contained within their mind

Be at peace with who you are for here there is a great amount of information that has been stored over time. Information to be utilized and understood, to be cared for and valued, in order that life is considered an irreplaceable part of a necessary formula which only the master planner knows infinitely.

How can I lead a good life?

The answer to all these type of questions about life resides within where we quite readily know the answer.

Be quiet, so very still that the answer to your life story is able to be heard clearly coming into your head, the mind of thought.

Go and be quite at ease with your life as it is there for you to unravel, care for and appreciate.

Go and be at peace for nothing is ever able to be attained out of a loud array of noise, a difficult pace, an angry crowd or a time of sorrow  loss and despair.

Be at peace with who you are, as you are, for at this time there is nothing more important than you and your amazing life adventure on Earth.

Take away the God of Goodness and you are left with nothing more than loss, despair and courage gone awry.

August 8th, 2010