The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Being'

Go the distance

Escapism is not the way to live,
hiding from the real truth.
The facts are not so easily hidden
when you begin to own your behaviour
and see for yourself.

Escapism only works as a disease,
virulent at that,
as you begin to unravel the past.
You yourself are already neatly inside
mountains of memories, fields of exploration
data immense.

But what I find so fascinating
is that our eventual reality is actually ourself,
hidden, but so willing to be discovered,
uncovered and to destroy our myth
that life is far too difficult to face.
When it is far better than leaving the information,
to discover at death your real state of grace
or rather no state, is but disgrace.

August 4th, 2013

My wounded self

God I pray let me come in through your door
I am so very slave driven in fear that you may think
I have let you down.

My behaviour of late is afraid to undo all the past mistakes
I have entailed upon others whom I supposedly have loved.
But I tell you this Lord I will be forgiving those
who did me ill.
Is this I ask a beginning
so that I may then partake in awaiting your presence in mind
to tell of me my wounded self?
What in haste can I do as I now prepare to die?

So long dear Father you came upon my soul
and lifted it out of my heart thank God,
at least that be saved from a hell eternal
and my descendants then shall to me
not once cry out in disgust.
Pray oh pray this that what they do will not encompass wrath
as I upon this Earth have done – vain preventing growth
and knowing you in my heart.

God let that light dim
so I may no longer suffer as I have
while you read upon my world
those tales of which did disgust you so.

July 19th, 2013

Think again

Lost direction
no hope and no clue
think again
there it be in the quietening of your thoughts
the answer clearly placed
waiting until you eventually slow
that most ridiculous pace.

Take a moment
handle it with care
whisper, I’d like your attention
to this problem please
I ask now to repair.

These are the requirements.
Nothing more arduous than
recognise who you are
in that emotionally charged moment
and then eventually your life is satisfied.

July 14th, 2013

Believe me I know

When under duress, think clearly about your symptom.

Is it yours alone or someone else’s to be shared?

How do I think clearly when under duress? – I do not.  So why ask this one major story to be resolved?

The answer –

Your other more powerfully influential self does know and by association that question is clearly understood, where later and I must emphasize later, that information is then and only then available.

And how do I know and believe that this is possible?Because I can truly attest that if I am in a quandary and get out that question of need, I am then assured, by past experience, to have an answer to help and eventually solve a critical life dilemma.

I talk not about illness, death or loss of another, but about loss of identity. A failure to believe oneself as valid, worthwhile and of a purpose, a call to be of use while on this Earth and in the end leave a valuable reminder of a presence, a particular theme of goodness behind. Not a hurt or hate, loss and sorrow of what I did or did not do that was more worthy of myself and fame.

For I am a humble, ordinary, unique and cautious being who loves and likes, with fears and concerns along my chosen path. And too, values that journey of old as a stamp, a reminder of what is possible then to be restored, valued and considered of worth for the future.

August 21st, 2010

Only You

There is a time and place for everything and in that is a way of being

There is a time and place for everything and in that is a way of being, a way of behaving and a place to rest knowing that what I have achieved is not all perfectly clear, but I am who I am and in that I can be pleased to know myself and be proud.

Who am I to complain when another more powerful me exists, supports and provides so that I can be on Earth and survive?

Who am I to suffer humiliation and shame when I am no more than a miniscule speck on an ocean of other more valid material bursts of fame?

Who am I when the life I have had is over and another replaces my space, place and appreciable view?

Who am I to endeavour to pass by this way without valuing that ride with sincere appreciation  for having the courage to pursue that path regardless. I did so anyway to venture to know, understand and grow wiser for choosing to go and become more aware.


August 19th, 2010