The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Being'

Selling the soul

Selling the hardware.
Selling the soul
life on planet Earth is under attack where-ever you go.

No place to hide.
No advantages for the weaker class.
No help from the providers of humanity’s rights.
The whole universe is coming to an end,
war violence, sectarian divisions
even in the so-called democracy westernised bin.

I know that the weather is an altogether laugh,
but who is to benefit from the disaster
that man made?
No other than man – mad as it seems.
But God is that hero, but the Devil is in the lead.

Earth is a punishment, a trial to man, but who causes illness
who has the hate and hurt, the burdens of our awful deeds.
The young and suffering are questioning how,
in one single life time, the planet was left to waste, rot and die.

No one alerted the power elite, they far too busy
hiding all their corrupt business balance sheets.
No one allowed to question the rort.
No one available to leak any more real truth,
the facts unfolding as the big storied banks
run out of your taxed wealth.

Pensions are missing, social order no longer alive.
Medicines taxed, but not by that fat wealth-laced big five.
Oh what a debacle man has drawn in on the world
next an explosion or more likely
the world on financial economic policies
to implode.

Take heart your money is safe
it is in a financial institution of sorts.
However until you retire
or need some health benefit or the like
then an excuse, as the money is gone
to the banks high robbery rorts.

September 9th, 2013

What can I do

Christ, what can I do about life?
I am afraid, frightened of the future
hopes and dreams I held for so long.

God help the good I am to find
lost among the many pages of despair
and disruptive behaviours and views.

I am lost, lonely and afraid
for this life force of evil
happening across the globe
filters past my mind
consciously aware as a native of Earth
that life cannot be sustained as is forever
as is witnessed now.

How long Lord do we, I, have
before hell no longer stands the crowded bays
waiting for the burn of human disgrace
and discharging of same?

Go be an angel and do God’s work, fail
and go over your dreams once more.
Who is at fault?
Not I, but the force of greed
surrounding your life, thoughts and deeds.

September 8th, 2013

World order collapses again

Carry on you foolish man, carry on
your life is near the end.

World affairs dictate the terms
global financials
never again will play that game.
End is near as we close our
corruption phase,
climate change,
fossil fuels.

World order collapses again
empires built only to crumble backwards.
So who around will save us now?
God and heaven, son and all the angels
well even that is past its use by date.

What did I hear you say,
It’s up to each one
to do their own saviour self stuff.
God, no way.
I can’t do a bloody thing,
I‘ve been seduced by the media goopy gook.

Now is the time to pray
Congress let’s us have a say.
Well that’s quite a unique threat.
How the hell do you expect to get past
all those obstacles?
Is there some robotic arm
to pass on by all those electronic devices
wall to wall and arm on gun?
Seems to me you are against all odds
pray, just call 911.

The action is on – do your bit
stand up banner clad.

September 1st, 2013

Calling me home

Calling me home they repeatedly cry
come on in and see what I have for you inside.
The weather perfect, the sun shines all day through,
the weather exceptional
even the night times are delightful hues.
Black yes about the dark skies, but oh the stars,
millions and millions, too many for you to see and count
before the weather inside your heart turns right about.

I said to you so often now that trust
is what keeps us in touch not drawn to part
so when I call and call I will open up your heart
and please do not turn away from that
which is your other the most beautiful life
in which to see and enjoy.


August 13th, 2013

Solitary moments

Solitary moments, many by far
but what is it that serves as a reminder
of who or what is this person I am.
Some form of indication I suppose
of who I am under the pretence I normally exhibit
depends on who I am with or where I reside.

Solitary yes,
but to whom am I also aligned
to be passing on the data
so effectively collected with me, my life in mind?

Take a little moment
no fear intended,
but more a surprise
that you are probably masquerading
most of the time.

Life is…
evidently here to unravel,
question and recall,
but most I suspect
to call upon you to decide
who are you inside.

August 8th, 2013