The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Being'

The plight of man

Conflict of interest
brings one into context with the plight of man
and indeed the connection to God and his plan.

No amount of chatter on the air waves
will create understanding about the life force
and man’s life on this planet once great.

God, whoever you are, maybe not, who knows or cares,
but for the miracle of man and wife, partner or spouse –
no need for a correction whatever does fit.
The process of life does eventually play out.
Sex equals outcome and a man is born,
one with a life and human in form,
but what of this miracle is this planet for him to evolve?
What of a purpose, potential does one even guess I suppose?

I had an answer
that God was actually in the head of man,
a type of ingenious type of life code.
Information able to be known,
that life on planet X was about to be born. –
Difference, integrity, respect and more,
life valued, appreciated and considered worthwhile.


August 5th, 2014

As and when it chooses

God is in the divine
where one allows it to become evident
by letting it in and to flow freely
gaining strength, adversity beyond years
and wisdom and future knowledge
beyond any earthly knowing.

The God within lives within us all,
let it flow as and when it chooses to do so.

God is in the divine
when you allow it to flow in and through
the everyday nothingness of your life endeavours.

January 1st, 2014

The earth is heavily burdened

Come to me they cried.
Come to me once more
the Earth is heavily burdened.
And I am not free to assist,
but there hidden deep within
the scar of the past cried out in pain…

Shelter not you foolish child
the world of Earth needs your support.

No time for idleness and play
for here upon the ground
I see the death of man.

No more time to be at peace
while the violence on the Earth remains.

So much humiliation,
man tends to deny his greatest need
to bow before the altar of his life
given to be explored endlessly.

Oh God, the devil gone from man,
but hindered by the western greed
came back so suddenly.

And in his haste he failed to see his call –
to become a man of pride
and deny the gluttony of man’s making,
that of endless desire.

And now I come and see my place
to rid my soul of pain.
And in that task I find myself
in a more actively engaged way
to do for God the proper call …
to be respectful of all humankind.

December 28th, 2013

The old ancestors

Sorry is the sailor who ventures in past his depth
and sorry are people who fly out thinking life
is but one whole continual breath.

Who are the star makers
distinctly shining above the rest?

These are our old ancestors,
wise beyond the world’s so called geniuses,
but different in their soul.

These are the persons
giving off that much needed resource –
reflective ability
The ability to understand how man can be so foolish
not to look beyond and consider who on earth he is
and begin to know himself.
Let’s hope so.

November 18th, 2013

Devil’s advocate

Cross-cut and under, sideways and sure
to be clear your victim is annihilated
is that not what you,
as a Devil’s advocate, want?

Say he wanders as spirit wide,
what now your choice – death
as to where you are and to be
each night time dreaming state.
Nightmares horrific each
and in your breakfast wake.

November 15th, 2013