The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Being'

You are the saviour

You are the saviour.
You are the song.
You are the message and messenger all in one.

You are the virtuous person on earth
to which I may add is coming to full worth.
So long as you listen to your more salubrious part
then you will begin to understand –

Life is for those who want to know
how to be a better human being and expressive
in that way that is humble and not ‘grand slam’.

May 9th, 2016

I saw you standing on the shore

I saw you standing on the shore
I know not what you want or I can further explore.
I saw and said to myself deep within
this can only mean some sort of heroic deed
I am definitely not equipped to begin.

So sorry I did not listen before.
So sorry I did not understand that call
from that vast shore line.

I said within that I had other things to do and try before …
before I made such a commitment to love and adore.
I said within I had time to live and live I did
with shame and guilt, love and joy
as too the family I did develop
and now older are on their own alive and well.

And here you come once again.
Years are gone long before
that time you came
on that vast shore.

I know I had a task to answer for.
I know I was being asked to comply
to look back over my futility of shame and blame
and heal once more
to future explore without the garbage, baggage and more.

But I had a sense this was more.

May 3rd, 2016

Save our mind thoughts

Saviour, saviour God of mine divine
why have you deserted me across a growing wider divide?
Loss and persecution. Forested areas deplete.
Why man has lost his senses, can you not on earth intervene?
Why not save our mind thoughts from desperation,
loss of sleep at night?

Desperate measures looming
but no one of a God force here on earth;
divinely inspirational to claim back and instil
that of a mind engaged in restorative measures
at the most insistant voice of You on earth.

So I can leave satisfied…

I had no further hand, part and participation
in destroying that which You devised
as pleasure for man and earth together
to inspire, desire, sanctify as was our human birth.

July 19th, 2015

Charity begins at home

Charity begins at home.

Unfortunately, for most
this is not them,
an individual soul on Earth

But of an inner circle
of family, friends,
colleagues and the like

And this is an afterwards
situation, decision;

Not an immediate appreciation,
considerate view of oneself
first and foremost,
exceptionally so.

And what is charity…

no more no less
than your life’s worth.

July 3rd, 2015

Constitutional reform

God declares the rules
conscience plays a moral code.
Life begins and parent’s rules
then as adult life begins again
this time however we decide
what in our life we prefer
and then life as is
until another type of influence
shifts those boundaries again.

No amount of stagnation
change is written as we speak
nothing really stable lasts
beyond a day or two before
a new story breaks the thread
and here we go again.

This time different
God demands an audience
a direct line not secure
so an intermediary does his bidding
and our life, our mind flows with words galore.


March 6th, 2015