The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Being'

For what purpose … No worth at all

Good man, good man
die young for that cause
’cos you denied liberty to provide –
war and violence, destruction and hell
for those few war mongers on Capitol Hill.

Go and provide ill inside
vomit will not rid nor hide.
You are the devil in intent
to do the bidding for the greed they collect.
Violent behaviour, corruption and crime
these are the values of naught …
and to your shame.

I have to live with you my dear sort
earth bound creature.
No naught at all.
Even a creature God will call
but to you no shame at all.

So roam in the wilds of a hell-like state
no one ever to reprieve your behaviour
causing so many lives injuries, incomplete.


No hope for the wicked
driven by a greed type
politically bought
capitalistic waste and state.

No debate
dead to all that is all.

November 9th, 2017

Solemnity, Peace and Care

Solemnity, peace and care.
I ask again,
Where …
in a world at war
who lives like that?

Peace, care and solemnity
in the air, water of life
Where are we
but a continuing of life’s strife.
Struck, damned,
pollution everywhere.

Who is to care, believe of count?
But I do.
But my time, as is in life, has been short –
and now of course running out.

Love pervades, perfumes bloom
but dust, as nuclear a constancy –
and falls upon any anywhere
and who knows, cares and counts
let alone in a conscience calls out and shouts …
“Let there be peace everywhere
defeat nuclear war
and war mongering slaves to corruption,
criminalities and off-shored”.

August 24th, 2017

Where do I stand…

Fractured society –
Where do I stand.
The life force inside is dying
and I have lost the will to survive
in such as this the West in overdrive.


The value of my life force, that I did require
is being burnt out as I here now stand.
The value of my worth hidden
too afraid to stand out into a vile
and unpredictable worthless band.

People I thought I knew, vocal and worthy
of what they observed, considered of worth
for the worth of each man , woman and child
value and virtues worthy to uphold
about humanity and the planet,
earth required to maintain life.

How is this possible
a fracture in a society claiming in arrogance
they are exceptional and gallant
when all the time deviousness is the upper-hand?

God bless the American way of life
that the foolishness of Westernised society
claims the best for every human life.
But how devious to proclaim
while earth is shattering
under the weight of human detritus
and the value of all mankind.


February 20th, 2017

Not to me …

Not to me my dear heart
not to me
for I am a shallow man
with not a lot of future
ahead of me.

I’ve searched a terrain
long and wide.
I’ve undertaken journeys
across foreign soils.
I’ve ventured far
and seen all kinds –

but none so rich
as what inside I found.

A mind abundantly rich –
wealth beyond a human (’s) scope
more about life than another did
so poetically or prose wrote.

I know, along some narrow ford
I expect a more,
much more greater reward
but what I have found
although challenging at times
has altered every view and kind.

February 16th, 2017

Wake up to the reality

Sweet dreams society.
You have blown away love
and hate has filled your world.

So, when awakened to this reality
change over
so goodness in heart reverses the present …

a present of greed and lusting over others,
who rape and pillage at your lifestyle.

But now, unfortunately
you have allowed yourself to be joined
in this human debacle.

Lost hope in your own worth and given over,
rather than confirm your validity, power and birth –
to uphold humanity as your own
for in that, is your own life too.


December 11th, 2016