The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Awake'

Taken lightly

Taken lightly life is a breeze
taken harshly it is a disease.

The world as we know it
is crumbling at the knees
each part of its anatomy is in free fall
without any antidote or chemical relief.
No way out
is what they of the underground news
all shout out.

Who has the answers?

Well, some of these bright folk seem to do
but without substance and the ability to trial
as the pharmaceutical companies do
with the millions and billions of profits
each quarter of every year
how can these problems
ever be completely cured.

I say to all you wonderful folk
don’t give up your day job
sitting at the computer keyboard
and monitor screens,
you are the saviour of the opposing news
to keep us well informed
to make up our own minds
in the current form of government
tracking machines.


October 22nd, 2013