The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Awake'

Same station same night

How can I be satisfied in a world gone astray,
when the world is beautiful
if we do not look past the comfort zone
of our own individual space of play.

The problem with indoors is that we are regulated
by that television news from CNN
or other media moguls propaganda
that does not let us win our own thoughts
but plagues us with theirs.

Look beyond and compare your own experiences
and value-added state of mind
where life in reality is not quite like
on a television bi-line headline.

Same station same night – or was it this or last night?

November 8th, 2014

The voice within

I came, I saw, I wondered why
when all of a sudden
a thought of insight
in my own head flew by.

What was the meaning
clear but unknown,
hidden deeply embedded
within my mind?

Yet here at first – no name, no voice
and then there a me before my own,
tragically before to me unknown.

The voice within is you and I,
why before me I previously had not known,
emotionally stored until this moment in time
environmentally this day to be born.

The mystery unfolds hence forth…

September 21st, 2014

Take my word for it…

Revelations come in waves
some quite stronger than others
some quiet and unassuming
and others well quite the opposite
violent, unbearable and without restraint.

Life – yours is a similar path
get use to it and suffer less.
Get around the barriers and explore within
where life is shaped, addressed and understood
at least to a point of indifference,
tolerance, acceptance and compromise.

Take my word for it…
Life begins and ends with a death.
Life is born – death to another
to allow growth to begin.
Death as life is a continuum,
but in-between is a choice – yours –
learn the art of observation, reflection and thought.

February 2nd, 2014

No one cares to notice

Not now my darling
the sky is falling fast.
Mountain tops eroding
the mining trade a-blast.

No one cares to notice
crime an everyday occurrence.
Play time for children – parking
inside some mind altering gadget
or machine.

No time for caring, sharing
or empathy at all.
The soldiers bathe in glory
no matter the quandary
child or man, woman or babe.

Matters not the kill, the damage
all part of that elite military thrill.
I suspect an atom will fall upon us soon.

Nuclear damage – well evidence of health
already a witness, but third world
so no need to hurry, plenty of spending yet
for twenty-first century idleness
and greedy mentalities.
No place yet, but oh too soon.

January 20th, 2014

The whim of the gods…

I’m shy
I’m frowning
I’m grey all of the time.

I don’t think so.

I don’t know.

What is it, where am I…
I have no idea at all.

The valley once green – gone, no more.
The valley of smells delightful –
no sense of smell anymore.

Where am I, who am I,
whatever has become of my world?
The view, the taste, the scene, the delight –
no more of any of it – why?


January 16th, 2014