The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Awake'

Poor attitude

Wake me up from my slumber
for I am of poor sight
and when I do have the courage to surface
let it be with far more passion and compassion
for the love of you.

You who are my strength,
power and delight.

You who are the very essence
of my powerful inner sight.

You who are the deliverer
of my life’s source,
that which is forever vigilant
that I compare to no one
but that of the divinity
within my own life’s worth.

August 4th, 2015

Claim not

Claim not
what you are unprepared to express
divinely so, as here the angels warn…
God gets the message
but does not let you there and then
off his profoundly, creatively inspired hook.

God comes into the window
God comes into the door.
What can I expect…
surely not more of my life
and me to be explored?

July 29th, 2015

The inner life

Take a note of comfort
that life of another exists
within that frame of a physicality
you call yourself on Earth.

When in reality
it is no more than the water you see
at the shore line.

So why come to Earth at all
if every time, you kill, maim and destroy?

Why not learn by past issues,
events and too crime?
Why now on a precipice
to decide forward tread,
that you above the evidence
are now on an eventual
downward spread?

God bless and too ever more. Amen.

July 23rd, 2015

Who you are inside

God bless the angels.
God has sent a note of declaration
to all upon the Earth.

Wake up you peasant farmers
life on planet Earth is dying
and you are not even awaikened
to learn life, all of life
is of no consequence
until you know from inside
who you are at the core.

July 20th, 2015

Awakenig times ahead

Casualties, uprisings,
whatever next?
God declares a holiday for man
his mind his thought to re-assess.

God calls the shots
man’s mind not wholly his own
memories fade
but God’s thinking power remains.

God calls man to re-address his mind,
thoughts unruly make decisions unkempt
and here lay waiting greed, seduction
and a loss of rightful behaviour
and a conscience to reset.

Awakening times ahead.

March 29th, 2015