The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Awake'

Virtual reality

People homeless – no way but out.
People suffering – even in front of you
as you walk past.
People dying of virulent type disease,
called in the West, syndrome or such,
maybe depression
that does come with one almighty rush.

I do not think much past reality at best
and even that is lumbered
by ownership of the one percent.
So, on the web at night or day
I circumnavigate the rest,
the news of their day.
And what I find is comparison
to know if I am being led
by some almighty force
called the Propaganda Drone.

You cannot look beside or beyond
before, too late,
it is you who you have to face.
Then in comes a desperate state,
for in reality you are to think it all too hard
and back to sleep you stay
in virtual reality each night or day, or both.

August 9th, 2016

Thanks for the warning

Thanks for the warning,
but useless as it appears
man is in the slumber of wealth
and too the greed fed atmosphere of years.

And so in my own estimation
God has tried almost all He has available
and not so confident of the results.
So my explanation is tiny, but it has made an inroad
to understand how in His estimate it is to go
and if all does fail from lack
then man and woman will have to be re-invented
to love and not divorce themselves
from that vital information – ‘man made has to go’.

So love and good intention can begin to flow
from those most spirited and gifted to listen
to what in earnest I have to say.

Love the life you are to have on earth,
precious as it is.
And value all of humanity even though they are not like you.
Instead build upon good relations
to understand the difficulties ahead
and bring to the table of understanding
that each are gifted as you in their own heads.

Love is not a vital source
within a man and woman.
It has to be fed.
And when it is enriched
by the love of spiritual worth
then the whole universe
is as alight by candles,
stars of human worth on earth.


June 1st, 2016

The danger apparent

Spectre is rising
the earth under control.
By whom, is the question?
But do you care at all?

The valley once rich
plentiful in supply.
Now with this ghostly apparent danger
who but you will survive, in death?
Perhaps not at all.

The gods of good measure
hover about
but man in idle slumber
has no one to turn to
because the danger usurps one and all.


The danger apparent
Who cares, but you
The fervent need to preserve within
that is where you need to review.

April 11th, 2016

God in the mind of man

Quietly spoken easy to miss
the master of observation
reveals what he observes.

Silently awakened
a mind previously shut
opens up on a continual basis
as time and dedication to reflect
is held as sacred
that of the divine
within our own head.

So much information,
knowledge beyond our own,
comes in abundance
when one is capable,
adequate to that task.

My life is an adventure
as I wander life’s extraordinary ways,
but what of my own experiences,
how against this once proud place
do I, amidst this tumultuous world, attest?

God in the mind of man openly portrays
whatever is required
if time and patience,
respect and no denial
is part of one’s life’s pace.

April 1st, 2016

When two hearts meet…what next

My heart your heart where do they meet?
Is it a possibility?
Or are you too afraid
of what will occur on such a day
when hearts combined reveal the truth
of who we are and can embrace?

The story of one who is aware fears a truth hidden,
but knows some way, deeply buried,
the treasure there within contains
the wisdom long past that of one’s own
very short inexperienced and valued life.

But what of that deeper knowing treasured within?
Who has the clarity, judgement and knowledge
to pass by that fearful stage, unpack any horrible violent sight
and conquer the fearful past and enter into that eternal light?

I know I have seen it in dream-like states of meditation
or prayerful reflective phase,
but this that I am to enter is a whole new life –
a world away not known prior
and what it says for me to embrace, –

I am uncertain, for fear of another type will surely mean
taking out of the gold the precious gem held tightly within
and this can only bring another voice of which a sacrifice,
a worldly stage, to take and hold and clearly view
to orchestrate how and what with this so precious cargo I am to do.

September 15th, 2015