The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Awake'

Something tells me …

Something tells me
our life on earth is on the line.
Hanging peg-like precariously
most of the time.

Winds blow,
shimmer and shake.
People idly sleeping
not fully awake.

Awaken to the worldly state
of who is at war
when we sleep and too, awake.

Who is suffering
because those of power
consider less
those who have not?

Why, in a world of opulence
is there so much hurt and harm,
even in places one has prior
not even known.

God of goodness, whoever you are
change man’s conscience
to become fair.
Fair to deliver
a more vitally important stand
to include all in a far more equally
diverse plan.

Not equate politically
with those corporate
illegality performing, prancing few.
Consider the life
as a God-given gift, as you.

September 8th, 2016

Catastrophe calling

Catastrophe calling
does anyone down there pay attention
to those thoughts coming in to a mind
normally on half power
as if an electricity break down
or storm interfere?

Catastrophe calling
does anyone actually understand
there is a quite incredible dilemma
man has yet to equate
with the end in time on earth
if no modicum of effort
to stall the final plan
to destroy humanity
with one bang and band.

Life is of an extra, extraordinary nature
not much else to say
but man has lost his intention
to live on earth in a most harmonious
and thankful way.


August 28th, 2016

Called to be as one

The driving forces weaken us
and we awaken slowly
as scare tactics work their trick.

No one awakens out of slumber
for the truth is there
to disturb and control us
into nothingness
and back to sleep again.

You thought the life was good
and earth complete.
You thought that everything was lovely
and the view interpreted through sleep.
But the view, the world, the undergrowth
is spreading out to sea with vile disruptions
and it is not an earthquake rumble
but a bloody great disaster affecting you and me.

You thought about your safety
as the drones above bleep
and drop there discharge of mutation ‘here we are’.


August 25th, 2016

In reality

In reality it is far too great a mistake
not to awaken and stay awake.
You have to become aware or not
that choice is yours,
but what in the end is up to you to face?

You are all you have at hand
and in that need to take a look
and in that quagmire own and state –
no more, no more
I am prepared to stand my ground
and look at the issues facing me and mine at hand.

August 22nd, 2016

Exceptionalism’s dirty stain

What on earth can be said
for those exceptionalism led,
those to whom profess
capitalistic evidence is irrelevant,
but who are they when confess?

I say this,
a dirty stain is what exceptionalism is.
A tried and true mark against
those of virtue and not hate.
A mark so stained it leaves its mess
where ever that blanket of denial
is put to another war monger’s test.

So when making the plea for greed
think back on who you are
and of they, them and those
who greed fill the offshore hiding banks
with your taxes
they in fact have never had to spend.


August 15th, 2016