The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Awake'

Reckless individualism

Reckless individualism
is wrecking the Western world.
But more importantly wrecking our souls,
the gentleness required to value humankind.

Reckless individualism
is not a state or mind.
But more a state of advertising –
to become one of a virtual mindless crew.
To become subservient
to that of a one percent,
mentally depraved group.
To work their viscous mentality
to corrupt that of your once
permanent valuable self and virtue.

God bless America
it has earned its rightful place
among the viscous of humanity
well before it destroys
the likes of me and too you.


April 14th, 2017

Wake up World

Can I be truthful
and say this …
Wake up World
before Exceptionalism, is a disease,
like any other plague.
In the end – death enormous
plays at all …

all who submit
and do not entertain a thought,
about what is right
and the worth and value
of a human life.

Think, sink or die
one way, yours.
So, wake
reality is here to stay.
Unless you are prepared to own life,
yours too as a valid existence.

And be counted
as one of a humanity
blessed to be on this earth
live, enjoy and preserve.

Not to destroy, kill, maim
and abuse, dispose corruptly.

December 14th, 2016

Awaken to the true view

Make the most of the now.
Well, tomorrow may be the same
when you decide to reality check
that, what in ignorance,
now you accept as normal.

For in that sneak view
reality is no more than
what in your heart
you fail to be doing to rescue you,
the divinely inspired part.

To own, value
and be responsible to stay the course –
of human life as the one true source.

Stay the course –
awaken to the true view
and own it, not deny,
where harm lies.

December 12th, 2016

Another way

Try not to walk
the life of a saviour
there is no such thing.

For a saviour imperfect
is what in man God expects.
For learning
as with a life on earth
where a good soul portrays
man walks and talks
the miracle of worth
in each step he/she takes –

and in that a saviour is born
into a consciousness
for all to observe
as for them too
another way – to be portrayed.

October 13th, 2016

I care do you

Comfort calling do you hear
among the harsh reality down on earth?

Are you really awake,
or walking dead-like asleep?

The view I see is partially clouded
polluted minds and skies
make it so difficult so to speak.
I have little to do because you appear
fragile unable to hear me speak.

Warnings are around you
day or into the night.
Stalking and sneaking
to avail your goodness
hence despair increases and you unaware
as to why a sense of burden
pervades in the air.

Nostrils filled by pollution
a new word arises, an Asthmatic Affair.
Congestion bleeds subversion
a new thoroughfare.


September 20th, 2016