The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Asleep'

Lift me up Lord …

Lift me up Lord
before I die.
Lift me up Lord
before I see the finale
of what on earth
You declared exceptional,
but man has destroyed.

Lift me up Lord
before I no longer perish
among the many
who before You remain.

Lift me up Lord
for I am about to die.
Not from the evolution of man’s life
of natural birth to death remains
but of the thunderous, murderous carnage
of man’s revolting game play.


January 12th, 2017

Careful how you tread

Tragedy strikes when one is ill-aware.
Problems surface, as I out of nowhere.

Blindly we follow, any direction suits
when we discover a powerful agency
telling us what in their opinion
suits their outcome.

And we, greed-induced follow as to a peril
as yet not in our best interest or benefit.
If we deny that of experience
and our own inner direction,
let alone our vital source – truth.

Seek not what you desire
if work is not involved
and a plan of effort
to reflect
to establish
to define
to rework when required
fix any section desired,
but of a less favourable and risky outset.

Take no prisoners along your journey’s route.
By this I mean behaviour and in how you value
and to others respect.

December 18th, 2016

God’s Call to Alms

God’s call to alms
is no more than a shout.
A type of indication
our mind wants out.

No more violent behaviour,
ridiculous as it seems,
but there are indications
greater than our own
to uphold and fight to maintain.

We are idle profiteers in Westernised mental view.
Nothing more than for an outlook to usurp you.
Propaganda rages, raves and indicates
more profiteering for the mighty barons
on Wall’s mighty fortress.
The street with all the beating of drums
war like to kill and maim your future
and damn you to hell.
Nothing more profitable for you,
but for those few.

God Bless America the land of the free.
Well, that is what they preach, but of who are they?
God Bless America a world apart.
Some feel exceptional,
but of a God which is that other part?

God cries lament and seek out your soul.
God is in the Bible and bashing is all they ever do.
But what is required is a different stand.
To take up the arms within your own life span.

Think about the value your birth new did indicate.
No more painful journey into that life on earth to partake.
New as new can be, growing wiser by the day.
But now no more wisdom that all went far, far astray.

Think about tomorrow
for that may never come.
Wise words I am sure.
But what if you are awake …
and see what it is that they are doing
and drone like, drop you in the soup
where the world is poorly run?

April 23rd, 2016

A once quiet scene

Trust came along and belted me in the ear.
I heard the sound, the crack upon my mind.
Whatever had I been doing out there –
globally, violently, abusively –

Man, what a monster
when life and death appear so unfair.
Crime – no, a disaster
upon a once quiet scene,
a life enhancing, grace-filled space
destruction now – now no place free or safe.

April 5th, 2016