The Clever Observer

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Only You

There is a time and place for everything and in that is a way of being

There is a time and place for everything and in that is a way of being, a way of behaving and a place to rest knowing that what I have achieved is not all perfectly clear, but I am who I am and in that I can be pleased to know myself and be proud.

Who am I to complain when another more powerful me exists, supports and provides so that I can be on Earth and survive?

Who am I to suffer humiliation and shame when I am no more than a miniscule speck on an ocean of other more valid material bursts of fame?

Who am I when the life I have had is over and another replaces my space, place and appreciable view?

Who am I to endeavour to pass by this way without valuing that ride with sincere appreciation  for having the courage to pursue that path regardless. I did so anyway to venture to know, understand and grow wiser for choosing to go and become more aware.


August 19th, 2010

Choice is a gift where responsibility is free

Pick up your bed and walk – you do not have to be crippled by life anymore – you have choice

How are you choosing to walk?
What path have you chosen as a marker, a way of being?

Choice is a responsible act in an adult approach to a situation, circumstance, people and behaviour. It is the difference between free will and a patterned response.

Choice has discernment, clarity and purpose about it and is vested in an outcome for one’s own sake. – Not a decision about fame for others to bare witness, but a need to be free of conditions, limitations and death-like experiences which are doomed to fail.
Free will is an act of the divine, when heart and soul, head and logic make a rational and favourable decision.

People come and people go, but if we cannot love then life allows them to die.

Why don’t we value our self as precious, as valuable as gold?
What prevents our life having value?
Are we so foolish to trust other people with our precious life choices?

My life has power of choice. Does yours? Or do you rely on other people to guide you through?

People are people, the world over.
Not all people have choice.

Choice is a gift where responsibility is free.

August 12th, 2010

Be at peace with who you are

People are the source of their own life story contained within their mind

Be at peace with who you are for here there is a great amount of information that has been stored over time. Information to be utilized and understood, to be cared for and valued, in order that life is considered an irreplaceable part of a necessary formula which only the master planner knows infinitely.

How can I lead a good life?

The answer to all these type of questions about life resides within where we quite readily know the answer.

Be quiet, so very still that the answer to your life story is able to be heard clearly coming into your head, the mind of thought.

Go and be quite at ease with your life as it is there for you to unravel, care for and appreciate.

Go and be at peace for nothing is ever able to be attained out of a loud array of noise, a difficult pace, an angry crowd or a time of sorrow  loss and despair.

Be at peace with who you are, as you are, for at this time there is nothing more important than you and your amazing life adventure on Earth.

Take away the God of Goodness and you are left with nothing more than loss, despair and courage gone awry.

August 8th, 2010

The lost soul returns home

The lost soul returns home to be with itself.

Going home is no more than opening a door and entering a place of calm reflective views and positively rich outcomes.

Coming into that door of safely lit ability and calm provides a sense of belonging, a place of complete rest in the knowledge no other can enter your sanctum, unless invited by you.

The ability to become aware of who you are lies within this room. It holds the possibility to be clear and give honour to the person who lives and reigns within your mind.

August 3rd, 2010

As I pass by this way…

As I pass by this way consider me, for I am in need of your comfort and support.

I am indeed a lonely and fragile soul wanting and waiting ever so patiently to be free of my misery and rest unattended by past fear.

We are all waiting and wanting to be at peace. Lost, we are longing to return and return to a place where life as love and joy and harmony reigned.

What am I to do here all alone as you my valiant self remain by this life of ugly, altogether fragile scene?

I am not able to communicate by word, as I have long past that way and only am left now to be using your life’s worth to enter and too be with your lovely life time story and view.

August 1st, 2010