The Clever Observer

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Taken Away…but given back in return

Broken shadows
creep across the walls
into a mind waiting anxiously
for an answer as to why
I am unable to be in love
with that person inside …

cleverly appropriate,
talent extreme,
modestly accomplished,
divinely, creatively inspired.

No mistake
beauty in extreme,
that is the picture
that awaits all
who are to brave
that utterly divine scene.

February 14th, 2017

Who am I amidst this shame

Who am I amidst this shameful deed
of killing and maiming
with utter belligerence and speed?

Who am I that shifts this blameful
shameful disgusting deceitful deed?
Who acts on my behalf politically
and shamefully agrees
it is another not them
that causes harm to those without?

Who is it that sits and shouts,
cries out?
Not those with a voice of care
about the violence done everywhere,
but political expedients
to gain what?
Surely not to line those corporate crooks?

Life goes on and we prefer to deny.
Why I ask myself? Why?
Is there some form in the West –
a type of belligerence
that prefers to deny
as a way to arrest – all that shameful mess
carrying on around the globe?
Denying what in everyone’s mind
is a Westernised drone mentality.
A type of deceitful game play.


February 3rd, 2017

Get up

You thought worth
and got hurt.

Get up
life is about worth
and not ever once
to reject that fact.

For in terms of peril
that is all
in a financial debacle
and corrupt surface skim
is all that is left.

And in that
maintain your valuable self

Grant the courage
in my life to hold true
as in my mind
I am more
and in that,
a spark of divine.

January 19th, 2017

Lift me up Lord …

Lift me up Lord
before I die.
Lift me up Lord
before I see the finale
of what on earth
You declared exceptional,
but man has destroyed.

Lift me up Lord
before I no longer perish
among the many
who before You remain.

Lift me up Lord
for I am about to die.
Not from the evolution of man’s life
of natural birth to death remains
but of the thunderous, murderous carnage
of man’s revolting game play.


January 12th, 2017

Sanctity of marriage

Sanctity of marriage
sweeps across my door.

Worthily I am challenged
as once I did but not now adore
all of that loving pride in its place
all of that inspiration and challenges
to my world inside as growth.

God, do help me this I pray
don’t desert me this now today
as I am to walk through that door and explain
why faithfulness was not what I had been to her
I once long ago did value, honour and adore.

Sorry state of affairs, affairs.

January 9th, 2017