The Clever Observer

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No one told me…

No-one told me I would be a long time dead.
No-one explained life after.

I have said a long time ago
world events are shaping dangerously.
People on large land masses starving as I repeat,
‘no more fundamentalist wars
without any real cause,
no more hideous decisions
about who or what, when or where’.

I want a decisive decision
from you political bears.

I had a reasonable doubt
about corrupted land lord holders, bearers of bonds
until I recognised street upon street of homelessness,
poverty, desertion of responsibility.

And now chaos left for we who are here
to fight for survival against an army
vile and deceit-driven, lining pockets everywhere.
Continually no hope of salvation
on this one big lion’s share.

These are the devils who are no longer hidden,
but blatant
swimming around in the pools of our life blood.
What of the sinners hidden under ground
waiting for take-over poor sods.
Those upper winged bastards will never give over
the booty they own off shores.

July 23rd, 2013

Think is the answer

Catastrophe calling, are you there on line –
someone has said there is a debacle occurring
and we need to prepare for the outcome onslaught.

Who has any answers about such as this crime?
Who has any idea who started this rumour
about our life style under attack?

My question simply put, what, where or when,
is this a mainstream source
or one deeply bedded well under foot?

The reason for my question is simply this …
I know now how accurate some are in relaying the facts.
Other sources are better informed
and others quite simply do nothing, but deaden our mind
causing others well informed to yawn in disgust.

The answer for today’s reader is a simplified note,
ask yourself
who and why, what for this information
and who is to be gaining what?

Think is the answer
Think about those facts
Think about your own life experiences
and of who or what
is way on or off the track?

July 21st, 2013

Hanging on

I said to him this morning
that I could have been dead
the way this world is fighting
and life for all is but hanging on
by a fine thread.

Do be forgiving
we are not so corrupt
as those in higher capital
that gain so much
of humanity’s world share.

I ask upon the grave
of my dearly beloved Lord,
please oh please, from them,
let us here in heaven’s space
away from harm be spared.

Wont be long now
before being found out.
How is it possible
to up the stakes and bail us out?

July 20th, 2013

My wounded self

God I pray let me come in through your door
I am so very slave driven in fear that you may think
I have let you down.

My behaviour of late is afraid to undo all the past mistakes
I have entailed upon others whom I supposedly have loved.
But I tell you this Lord I will be forgiving those
who did me ill.
Is this I ask a beginning
so that I may then partake in awaiting your presence in mind
to tell of me my wounded self?
What in haste can I do as I now prepare to die?

So long dear Father you came upon my soul
and lifted it out of my heart thank God,
at least that be saved from a hell eternal
and my descendants then shall to me
not once cry out in disgust.
Pray oh pray this that what they do will not encompass wrath
as I upon this Earth have done – vain preventing growth
and knowing you in my heart.

God let that light dim
so I may no longer suffer as I have
while you read upon my world
those tales of which did disgust you so.

July 19th, 2013

If you don’t who will…

Angry bystanders located everywhere,
where am I in this angry desperate affair?

No-one mentioned the gangs
were to be in town.
No-one said who and why
they ventured this way
and not another space or time.

I had a reason to become involved
as those of above us
stole whatever of good we had.
But yes, that I heard you say,
not even a soul was among that booty
as we here fight for our lives,
survival that is our cry,

Survival, preservation of life
and all that does entail.

If you don’t, who will…?

July 18th, 2013