The Clever Observer

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World order collapses again

Carry on you foolish man, carry on
your life is near the end.

World affairs dictate the terms
global financials
never again will play that game.
End is near as we close our
corruption phase,
climate change,
fossil fuels.

World order collapses again
empires built only to crumble backwards.
So who around will save us now?
God and heaven, son and all the angels
well even that is past its use by date.

What did I hear you say,
It’s up to each one
to do their own saviour self stuff.
God, no way.
I can’t do a bloody thing,
I‘ve been seduced by the media goopy gook.

Now is the time to pray
Congress let’s us have a say.
Well that’s quite a unique threat.
How the hell do you expect to get past
all those obstacles?
Is there some robotic arm
to pass on by all those electronic devices
wall to wall and arm on gun?
Seems to me you are against all odds
pray, just call 911.

The action is on – do your bit
stand up banner clad.

September 1st, 2013

Catastrophe looming – everywhere

Catastrophe looming – everywhere
No one around – too in despair.
Responsibility has failed man to respond
to what in a heaven’s name
has on earth disastrous become.

God help the man on the street.
God help a society bent on violence
as a means to an end.

Loss, despair, fear over-run
heaven does not help
it is a landmark no other has found
and hence to man no peace anywhere
on lands foreign.

What next – on his, the mighty’s
own home ground?

Take to the streets
lead a fight for peace
man has gone military.

Looks like women
are to now be forced to march
on toward victory for all,
on Wall’s Street.

August 31st, 2013

Tomorrow’s fortune

Tomorrow’s fortune – your demise,
for you are the arbiter of horror
on landscapes far, very far and wide.
No restraint – terrorising all in sight
no ground safe – no hill left to demolish
they are ground into dust.

What a debacle – that you in your name
gave authority to whom
to do such damage
on about every world’s terrain?

The answer for today’s man
with any form of conscience left
is to be far more scrutinising
what in your name as a country man
you are doing and have done.

The world is unforgiving
when the stakes are re-drawn
and your board is useless
for that game is no longer
the favourite in town.

Take a little salt with your medicine
for you may dehydrate
when all the weather changes
and your number is the one
that the enemy takes.

August 29th, 2013

Casualties looming

Casualties looming
the war raging on every shore
land mass invasion what else for sure
there are to be casualties what else is war for…
not surely the greedy ones on the hill
by the treasures’ doors?

God bless the heroes
who deny the truth of what occurs in war?
God bless the innocent who live
their lives hidden behind closed doors –
that is until someone comes in barging and breaking
every possible piece of wood on the door –
then in the aftermath those left, hate even more.

What a debacle you have on your own shore
when all these uprisings begin to own who or what you are
and have done in the name of liberty, democracy
or any other name applicable to dose war upon the weak?

I say democracy given that we are to be having one
is a misnomer for the belligerent
and ignorant of our own kind,
the culturally indoctrinated, poor souls like mine.
We are the weaker for having to stage war
for we are the frightened as a child in a movie
being scared by the big bad wolf.

Who set our behaviour at a violent pace of demand
where the innocent are slaughtered
and we all clap as if some form of relief?
What have these innocents done to we?

What are they doing now in their humble homes
fighting for breath among the pollutant
you dropped in drone upon drone.
They are the innocent without a word of a lie,
you I am afraid are weaker than the fish in a pond
being fed all these ridiculous lies.

What does make you special, that of a flag held high
when all the world around us despises us
and want us to stop the warring raging everywhere.
They are the outcome, we are the source,
what is it about us that makes us so very much worse?

God help the innocent,
the ignorant have imposed upon them all.
What sort of a nation are we here
crying out all this liberty and democracy
when at home we are to have absolutely none at all?

The truth is we are in a war zone
we just do not know as yet – streetwise that is!

August 27th, 2013

Careful tragedy ahead

Careful, careful here I come,
the world tragedy has truly begun.
People gather pockets here or there
matters not, the word is out. –

Thank God for the air to send at will
the messages required.
So more and more gathered
as they are inspired.

Each to bring a placard
stand on a street, silent as a lamb
waiting patiently to be born.
God help the afterbirth
of this type of crowd
as the momentum builds…

The one percent
will need to off-load at the shore
to wait on departure if allowed.
I suspect not
as there the crowd awaits public authority
to arrest such as these criminals
who are to be hiding in disguise –
but for the sniffer dogs
we will hunt and plague
until they are forced against a barracade.

And then what…?
They again no power
no authority to discharge.

The wolves gather silently
the storm about to break
meat on the table
probably the finest
of one percent pure steak.

August 26th, 2013