The Clever Observer

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What can I do

Christ, what can I do about life?
I am afraid, frightened of the future
hopes and dreams I held for so long.

God help the good I am to find
lost among the many pages of despair
and disruptive behaviours and views.

I am lost, lonely and afraid
for this life force of evil
happening across the globe
filters past my mind
consciously aware as a native of Earth
that life cannot be sustained as is forever
as is witnessed now.

How long Lord do we, I, have
before hell no longer stands the crowded bays
waiting for the burn of human disgrace
and discharging of same?

Go be an angel and do God’s work, fail
and go over your dreams once more.
Who is at fault?
Not I, but the force of greed
surrounding your life, thoughts and deeds.

September 8th, 2013

A part within

There is a part within our mind
the conscience there it be
with ample advice for everyone
if only the time is taken to be free –

to allow the present embarking of life
to consider what is required
to be establishing a far more vibrant stand.

The peace within our mind,
the conscience knows so well
has a very well established thought
about who one is and why.

The answer for every single human being is,
what do we want peace or war.

God grant to me the strength to know
just how valuable I am
so that in my conscience I vote
for humanity and the soul,
the respect of human life, that is of man.

We are all called to be a selfish soul,
but that is not the reason to be selfish
toward other human beings.
No, this that the conscience states
is care of your fellow human beings.

God grant me peace so that I may know
how vital this is to a world at war …

A war in times of financial suffering and despair.
A war to wage at will.
A war so vile man has told
over histories of life on Earth.

And yet, here we are regardless
of our memories that fade to bring out more
and more, yet more war on those who are to suffer
and are innocent
and the mongers go untold.

What next dear Lord of all on Earth,
what next I do pray tell
for here on this spot that I stand
the evil continues to dwell?

September 7th, 2013

Fox in a hole

Congratulations you’re on trial.
I’ve waited so long, almost without hope,
for what in another’s circumstance
would be jailed – no key – no bail.

So here I am searching the news
for what is expected – none at all
to allow the truth be exposed.

How fortunate to own the world
however last time it was God
with all that immense power.

Deliberation – the death of judicial power
when of this calibre you wield your wealth.
Who has the tenacity, the wealth, the strength?
We, the populace no hope no power,
but God’s grace – not bent.

Run with the pack
the Devil you find
bought and sold.

Eventually you burn,
as hell is the place for those without conscience
pricked by spite and power
greed mammoth to control at will
regardless of humanity, the planet
and God’s true will.

September 5th, 2013

Paving the way forward

Paving the way forward
humility at home …

Who has the answer?

We do – the populace,
the people everywhere
around the sustaining globe.

We are the outcome – history’s resolve,
but proof of the change from hate
needs another upwardly mobile trend.

No more dissatisfaction,
no more reduction in our human worth
the life one is given newly
at our own unique birth.

Take a far wider view and then look
within your own home situation …

What of it is on a larger scale
outside your home?
Are there any similarities
when you measure side to side?
Are there any differences?
Are they positive steps or broader strides?

What is your home –
A safe harmonious place to reside
or turmoil, unrest
and preference to leave and hide?

These are some of our questioning processes –

to be clear how to adjust and alter the site
that a home is to be providing
so our world is more sustaining

to allow all people safety to build
and express creatively
as that original new life had hoped,
but now globally we all are to live in fear.

Take away the safety
a home is supposed to provide
loss of uniformity comes knocking
and dysfunction begins to destroy.
– globally
– homeward first and foremost.

September 4th, 2013

Faster than a bullet

Faster than a bullet
down a major highway
faster than a bullet
shot out into space
faster than anyone or anything.

Whatever is it …?
Life –
that is what is faster
than for any other thing.

Don’t take your chances
shoot real straight
for in that endeavour
there is a slim as slim chance
you may be granted heaven
in the final round.

If not who knows
burn out or burn up
who does know
or who does want to care.

The chances of life being absolute
is a misnomer
and if you go that way
you will probably die in bed
without a care
and in where you are bound.

But if life matters that is yours per say
let us hope beyond hope
that you stay straight
on that life is for living highway.

September 3rd, 2013