The Clever Observer

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Another way

Try not to walk the life of a saviour
there is no such thing.

For a saviour imperfect
is what in man God expects.
For learning,
as with a life on earth,
where a good soul portrays
man walks and talks
the miracle of worth
in each step he/she takes –

and in that a saviour is born
into a consciousness
for all to observe
as for them too
another way – to be portrayed.

March 8th, 2017

The weather bleak – the opportunity awaits

Sorry I have been out of sorts
trying to maintain the evidence
of my sincerest of reports.

The weather bleak
from where I have been
watching and waiting
for some form of evidence
to report

but what I found deep within
was a message about
how we all appear to behave
when faced by the ugliest,
gravest situation
forced to now admit
that we as others have not been
honest and forthright about what we did
and have done to those less fortunate
and in them have burdened all
by our horrendousness.



March 2nd, 2017

Where do I stand…

Fractured society –
Where do I stand.
The life force inside is dying
and I have lost the will to survive
in such as this the West in overdrive.


The value of my life force, that I did require
is being burnt out as I here now stand.
The value of my worth hidden
too afraid to stand out into a vile
and unpredictable worthless band.

People I thought I knew, vocal and worthy
of what they observed, considered of worth
for the worth of each man , woman and child
value and virtues worthy to uphold
about humanity and the planet,
earth required to maintain life.

How is this possible
a fracture in a society claiming in arrogance
they are exceptional and gallant
when all the time deviousness is the upper-hand?

God bless the American way of life
that the foolishness of Westernised society
claims the best for every human life.
But how devious to proclaim
while earth is shattering
under the weight of human detritus
and the value of all mankind.


February 20th, 2017

Who are you in the West

Brazenly I spoke to God
about the weather inclement
suffering the West’s burst
upon my shore
where life pleasant.

And even now
banging, bashing,
tampering and murder –
torturous to my eyes
and hearing worse …
shouting, banging, complaining,
blasphemous and raping.

What ever next …
I am but four and no more
and this, well this,
has hurt more than I,
at this stage of my life
know no reason or can express.


The battlements are down
my heart swollen, lost and torn.

Who are you in the West …
no heart and soul,
no decency,
no respect
for your own – humanity?

February 18th, 2017

Not to me …

Not to me my dear heart
not to me
for I am a shallow man
with not a lot of future
ahead of me.

I’ve searched a terrain
long and wide.
I’ve undertaken journeys
across foreign soils.
I’ve ventured far
and seen all kinds –

but none so rich
as what inside I found.

A mind abundantly rich –
wealth beyond a human (’s) scope
more about life than another did
so poetically or prose wrote.

I know, along some narrow ford
I expect a more,
much more greater reward
but what I have found
although challenging at times
has altered every view and kind.

February 16th, 2017