The Clever Observer

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No time to run

No time to run, the race has begun
and we are far behind the rest of the crew.
We have to make ready, but I am quite unsure
for the news has just been broken – and not on Fox News.
The word on the underground papers of truth
have warned all we bloggers from a source deep throat.

What if the world is under siege
do we think America, or the rest of the globe?

The point being made is quite, quite clear
that we in America fear any other breed
for we are the one’s with the powerful elite,
even though they share nothing
and our whole universe is under threat.

Violence on the street and in the home,
wars raging globally not of our own
for we are the innocent
and every where is to blame.

We are the perfect heroes
whether people want us to invade
and corruptly disadvantage our social order
and conviction of fair play.


October 14th, 2013

Sorry too late

Sorry too late the crowd has dispersed
and you were the one
who could have made that change.
And where were you?
Not having a snooze,
for that is an abomination
with what you and I will now have to lose.

The time is right, the venue unchecked,
the broadcaster hidden from any news flash.
What is so evident, pure and of delight
that so many came on out and made that sight.

People in thousands and thousands more
gathering everywhere, even Baltimore.
What of the venue that place – it all took place
what an adventure that now google and twitter
face book and that internal network
gathering intelligences all over the globe,
even here in our uniquely placed race.

God help the goodies they are now on the run
that is the folk on hill number one.
Thank God for heroes the internet queens
for they are allowing the religious minority
to even swing in their genes.


October 13th, 2013


I hurt all day long,
I sing or shout in normal situations
long gone now as I sit on the porch
my home owned by the squalor of banks
selling my soul at whim.

And in this debacle
I lean more closely to my one and only son.
The other died in emergency
for the lack of appropriate drugs
that were available but monies
for such as these life saving event
cost him his life.

Now no home for us, we two now left.
My husband shot himself in the head
hanging preferred but he had his gun,
rifle I think.

I’m still in so much pain and shock
to know even then
911 did not in the end come
as they were elsewhere cleaning up
on a family of four gassed
in an oven leak.
Or that was more for the media I am certain
as we here suffer, regardless the same fate
for nowhere around, but for a tent or two …

More hope living on a grassy bank
but they are over flowing
with the previous collection
of debt ridden, horribly emaciated folk.

What a debacle why cry so much
as so many more like me, half crazed by the shock
that twenty-first century Americans live –
not in comfort, but punished where they stand.

Because those on capitol hill all powerful
and pockets bulging by political unrest
as the lobbyist via whomever does for them,
the corporations on Wall Street and the rest –
the very greed-hungry best.

Play with the Devil and fire and disease
is what is spread in the name of greed.

October 10th, 2013

Entry to that gate

I sought to find the answer
about God and His mates –
those about this Heaven
and entry to that gate.

No one bothered to ask me,
prior to my death
and now I am dead
there is definitely no time to waste.

Heaven poses a problem
I’ve led a most unsatisfactory life,
but I’m planning an excellent strategy
in defence of my horrible behaviour
and hence damage upon the Earth,
I am about to vacate.

September 17th, 2013

Who or what is greed

Greed is what we hear
all the time these days,
but who or what is ‘greed’?

And who is it,
but the individual’s mind
playing out the story
of the barons of war and misdeeds.

September 16th, 2013