and we are far behind the rest of the crew.
We have to make ready, but I am quite unsure
for the news has just been broken – and not on Fox News.
The word on the underground papers of truth
have warned all we bloggers from a source deep throat.
What if the world is under siege
do we think America, or the rest of the globe?
The point being made is quite, quite clear
that we in America fear any other breed
for we are the one’s with the powerful elite,
even though they share nothing
and our whole universe is under threat.
Violence on the street and in the home,
wars raging globally not of our own
for we are the innocent
and every where is to blame.
We are the perfect heroes
whether people want us to invade
and corruptly disadvantage our social order
and conviction of fair play.
October 14th, 2013
Tags: Responsibility