The Clever Observer

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Inside one’s mind

Meditation is a waste of time
if you’re unsure as to why
you are there all day, all night,
whenever available to hang out.

Say you want for nothing clear
then there is a chance
hell undoes the good at first you heard
as in that space dark and evil resides
with all that good packed deeply down
well inside one’s mind of pride.

The Devil sleeps close by the good intended
that is why, when venturing in
to ask God of Good what answers you desire
and if in your present state
would be wise and completely safe.

October 27th, 2013

No hope in sight

Whatever sold me those stories of lies?
I sold my soul to the highest bidder.
God what a state, a debacle I am in.

I cannot envisage my life without any hope,
but here I am in a most hopeless dilemma.-

No home, house of my own,
no family free of the cold, the sun and storm.
No visible view of poverty without any end.
No hope in sight. No play no game, no fun,
but for the fear that plagues our limited time
on Earth each day.

To you in houses grand
what are your chances to spend a dime
to place in my cup on Wall’s Street lawn?

No bloody hope at all!

October 25th, 2013

Taken lightly

Taken lightly life is a breeze
taken harshly it is a disease.

The world as we know it
is crumbling at the knees
each part of its anatomy is in free fall
without any antidote or chemical relief.
No way out
is what they of the underground news
all shout out.

Who has the answers?

Well, some of these bright folk seem to do
but without substance and the ability to trial
as the pharmaceutical companies do
with the millions and billions of profits
each quarter of every year
how can these problems
ever be completely cured.

I say to all you wonderful folk
don’t give up your day job
sitting at the computer keyboard
and monitor screens,
you are the saviour of the opposing news
to keep us well informed
to make up our own minds
in the current form of government
tracking machines.


October 22nd, 2013

The real world

Action played out in the real world
is more about cover – undercover reality,
not the surface swill and swine.

The view of the real world is a completely other scene
one where people are risking the journalistic bent
to get the investigative reporting to that truth
and then extend.

No harm in breathing another type of fuel,
the problem with this ‘other world’
where reality roams
is that it is often not entirely free
from the vipers twisting and wriggling
to get in and see what exactly the news
that is wanting to be printed
by the likes of you and me.

I stole the headlines when I began to surface
and see the reality
of what this world I am to live in was like.
Not what I thought and prayed was true for me,
but the surface facts of what in reality
we are living in daily and accepting
as some sort of drone like existence.

Then it struck home
that I am my own responsibility
and need to be far more awake
if I am in the land of the living
and care about my own human race.


October 21st, 2013

No way forward

No way forward
tragedy ahead
times are changing for the better
but who or what said that?
Surely not the media
for they are so afraid
if they follow any other pattern
life for them will be radically destroyed.

I know the answers
do you for yourself?
That is the most important stand
if you are able to value who you are
then all the questions are easily understood.

What is the evidence
to make me believe
other than the world news?
Easier said than done –
Trust your own experiences
of where you stand
and who in your neighbourhood
you treat with an equal hand shake.
No mistake about who you are then
clear as clear the evidence –
but do you want to believe
you are that type or not
for that is the problem
we do not think past the television soap op.

No need to worry
the world will last
the use by date is over
but that does not mean
life will not be possible.

The question for today’s thinkers
is quite a lot to contend
for they are fully embracing
that the style is not conducive
to what in the past was an ideal.

No such luck in the future
if the world does not cease its unfair game
where corporations ruin everything
that the politicians in their bought lifestyle allay.


October 20th, 2013