The Clever Observer

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I am lost

Lost, lost – I am lost –
the world around me is falling apart,
the value of man decaying
as rust on iron strong –
now withering and weak.

Lost is my virtue, my lion and strength,
my calibre, the sabre, the sword on my chest.

Labour not – no more I say
life is precious
work not want,
but of that ridiculous spent doom
greed I am afraid, in the end
is no more no less –
but of that greed abandonment of man –
no rest.

No way out
lost and lonely, poor
but wealthy what the point?

Idleness, a sport of man
even though work for wealth
is his initial birth plan.

December 1st, 2013

Falling through a crack

God help me I am falling through a crack,
the Devil Master inside my head
blew a hole while I slept.

My guarded self lay idle
instead of waiting quietly, patiently in prayer.
I dreamed a dream that was so unlike me.
In fact, cruelly of someone
who had treated me abominably you may say.
Behaviour not good – quite unfair.

Life is a prison when you step outside that square,
but fall into the void – the Devil quite readily steps in
and that my friend is choice not unfair.

November 29th, 2013

The devil calls the tune

‘Won’t you come along with me’, the Devil asks.
He wants a companion don’t you see.

No mischievous event occurs unless he has an ally.

Somewhere safe is what he sells,
but what does get one in the end …
a life of pleasure – greed at best
money abundant,
an attitude of, who does care-

Simply not I,
I’m now resting opulently in his lair.

The devil mind knows no-where is safe
where prayer and conscience is a man’s first,
not an idle space.

Ring for a devil of a time
and that spells danger – no risk required
your mind is ready
let us hope end,
is not on the end of your life line.

Spell Devil and out it comes.
Mind so nervous, but oh the joy of waste,
the taste of greed,
the spell of destruction – ominous,
but a hell of a ride.

November 28th, 2013

Take me away

Take me away God, take me away. The valley you said was to be green no longer shades my mind and the valley, where ever did you say it is to be found? I have lost my bearings, the world I belong to disgusting and violent tiring me now for so very long. I have to make amends and find peace.

And what is your answer?

Do nothing but value the space, the person you are in.

What good I say is that to me humble and afraid to venture very far each day?
What good to be asking me to huddle here among so many other poor?
What good I say is it to be here where the violence surrounding us increases day upon day?

You are the arbiter of life’s world play why can you not do something about the violence surrounding us and plundering our resources, rich once they have said?

I know you are busy with other problems around the globe, but this that I am sitting in is a city of tents like old.
No way of rising above this muck, no way of coming up for air, there is so little without the foulness of human despair, detritus and such.

I want for my children a greater possibility than the one I am in where droves of others are starving trying to make amends and find some food before life ends.
I want to be worthy to leave them a legacy I am proud to have had and not this war of vengeance and crime the story of old and yet here it is, city bound and disgusting with other’s elite showering their wealth on old gold’s street.

You are the one, the man of ages old, can you not stop this vengeance, greed and horrible race

You are the one, the man of ages old, can you not stop this vengeance, greed and horrible race we are in now on that beat drumming away trying to stand, but feet fast paced stopped short by those very famous elite?

I want some significant worthy answers from you, you who had all my prayers on and off through my life time of working with those others, that of the elite, before I became victim of that horrible Wall’s street.

You are the arbiter, the crier of the poor. What relevance do you consider you are now to us here in the gutter of life’s richest few?
What a debacle that you among the many other gods around chose this country to flood with the poor, who, useless allowed them to be and to do whatever their little less conscience was able to achieve and only, I may add, because we and congressional agreement agreed.

God help the poor as they are to stand, whether able or not here they are gathering around. Warmth no comfort for what in their life’s end they are to leave let alone to those in higher places have formed.

No need to shed a tear my Lord for you are the victim, as we here in borrowed time.

November 27th, 2013

Christmas calling

Christmas calling how far to go
the world is in a dilemma
I do not want to miss the celebrations
and the grand slam show.

Whatever is it that makes us so compliant
when the world around us is for ever dying?
What type of idiotic, patriotic call is to allow
the Christmas festivities to cost all that they do
for nothing more than the understated view
that we are all okay, and nothing for us to do?

I said a million more times now
that we are never going to shift our belief
unless we begin to understand
all the terror made in our name,
and then in a suddenness
of shock like understanding,
as if we had no idea at all.

What a debacle,
a dilemma of enormously foul kind,
waiting until the daylight
does in no way ever again dawn.


November 25th, 2013