The Clever Observer

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The whim of the gods…

I’m shy
I’m frowning
I’m grey all of the time.

I don’t think so.

I don’t know.

What is it, where am I…
I have no idea at all.

The valley once green – gone, no more.
The valley of smells delightful –
no sense of smell anymore.

Where am I, who am I,
whatever has become of my world?
The view, the taste, the scene, the delight –
no more of any of it – why?


January 16th, 2014

No way out

Not long now,
the time is passing rapidly
the world is into despair.
So much wealth and greed,
so much more pain, suffering
and despondency.

What ails a twenty-first century?

Man has lost his call, the way
for rightful men and women
to lead a good faith-filled life
toward self and others.

Get out of your head and think heart.

No way out – leave
and wilfully lead a good clean life.
Doubt – well, that is fear my friend
and life is uncertain
no matter what your choice or path.

January 12th, 2014


They sang and stared
then they sang again,
but did not hear.
The fear they felt
was way beyond any known.

But this most foul
and so strange a sight
brought the tears flooding
onto unsuspecting crowds.

For here, high up on hallowed ground
the Lord’s most reverenced angels gathered
on this Earth once beautiful –
they mourned its loss immense.

And shame
of such an enormous burden
fell upon man – his disgrace.

God, how futile man is
on such as grand an empire life is.

And yet in honesty claimed
the soul did try its best,
but greed in such an overwhelming crowd
failed to be recognising the good inside.

And hence violence and despair,
loathing and anguish,
sorrow and disdain
took him out and into this crowd –
and all that was left – be damned.

January 11th, 2014

No-one has the answer

the weather of life changes
preventing our desired pattern to prevail.

the weather provides a sheltered effect,
camouflaged or protective mechanism.
But in the main we are who we are.

Choice is ours,
weather is only a gauge
of what our natural desires contain.
But who really brings the rain
and sunshine into our lives?

Who insists we grow, develop and learn…
is it from within that natural order of life?
Or are we, like the weather,
unable to know clearly until the snow falls,
the rain drops and the sun shines?

No one has the answer.
God does…
And who or whom or what is God?

January 6th, 2014

Who shall weep…

My heart is broken,
my head is gone.
No place no more
for me to be found.

I am lost and lonely,
dead and gone
and who shall weep my tears now…

Now that life after this war has gone –
memories of the madness fail to remember
again and again as was our plight.

So much, so young, so solemn we lay
of consciousness and more.
The place of loss, horrific-ness
there are no more cruel violations left
to be explored.

Done and dusted
we here lament and cry…
No more further warring –
too many battles and crimes they fed
for years of plunder felt
as each man, woman and child do know
and now lament in a total lasting grip of grief.

Poverty assailed man’s mind
and hence war claims his body
and we who lie among this burdensome lot
cry out our cries continually …
no more war you silly flock
peace is what next is required to be explored.

January 3rd, 2014