The Clever Observer

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A message

There is a certain amount of material
that valuable as it may appear
nothing is quite like this message
as the one that now you to me are about to hear.

God is an entity and as such
has not much benefit toward that of a human race,
but in that there is a way through
and it comes in the form of a soul
or the messages as thoughts that appear to easily fall into place
as and when time is right and we can make that choice
to be moving in the direction we so believe possible
and yet know not why and how.

July 5th, 2014

Crime of intent

Left unchecked

Walk among us,
walk among us
free us of our crime.

Crime of intent
to do another harm.

Criminal in nature
although an act our heart did feel,
but left unchecked.
And here we are to still remain
as others too do visit,
head held at levels
only one who bears witness
does know their heinous crime.



Where do you stand…

God in her element
has come upon this Earth
gifted it with a source of wonder
and man to take an oath –
that in his element
he does not wreck that plan.

That one to care for all in nature
ensuring life is sustained
and not destroy at will
corrupting all and everything
including man.

July 4th, 2014

Mind does matter

Music my love, my song, my joy.
Music the instrument, the ploy
of what in life is offered to all,
but what of our Self, the soul does say
when in the mood of need to have
the sound that those instruments play?

Maybe, perhaps who knows…
only that part within
that gives as always regardless
of who you are and how you relay.

God in her wisdom knows only too well
how efficient, effective and calming
can be the sound of an instrument
specifically designed to please all
including the individual like you and me.

Mind does matter for there it is being stored
all your favourite songs to relay
while in need they come back
and here for you any time any day.

July 3rd, 2014


Progress –
that is what I need to make
that is what every man must do…

Awaken to his true self
that hidden part
where soul and self unite
and in our human way
we can then all lead a more fulfilling,
appreciative style each and every day.

July 2nd, 2014

Heartache begins and ends with home (self)

We are our own alpha and omega
our own omega and alpha
the beginning ends and the end begins

There is no end or beginning per say,
but a perfect universal circle – both global and parallel.

Paralleling the path of one’s own destiny
is that of a spiritual sphere while on Earth – global.

We are one with a universal and divinely inspired self,
a soul or central entity of hugely wise intent. —
There to assist our passage and enter our world
to ensure we meet, make and correct
along a very well known historical life path.

A journey of one’s own self discovery
and hopefully entry into a world
of both the ordinary and divine energy sources,
allowing for a greater and more profound understanding
of our evolution and great diversity of skills.

July 1st, 2014