The Clever Observer

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What have we learned…

Constant evolution, but what have we learned?
Is there any part of our life experiences that gives us the answers
to what is of vital importance and which to discard?

God help the sinner who is trapped within past pain;
doubting Thomas, the rest all far too vain.
No understanding, no conceptualised view, lacking moral fibre
let alone the right to live a harmonious life if one is to so choose.

So many sanctimonious hypercritical affairs,
love on the door step over a few, very few wept tears.
Whatever occurred to lose sense of our true code –
life, all life is so precious
how is it now we can throw it so idly away
as if spent milk from a cow?

There is a sudden urgency
does anyone really care
if life on this planet ends
and we all end up particles of nothingness,
a blot upon this once clean, pure air?

July 21st, 2014

Plenty to hide

Secrets are everywhere – plenty to hide.
Men in their pyjamas creeping around in the dark.
Women loitering, children drug-induced
what is the world coming to or has it lost its sense?

No more harmony, peaceful retired
energy never-ending no more personal pride.
Loss is the decade as many previously found,
but who has an answer, no Jesus now around?

Head trips are everywhere,
people boast with a pride
how wealthy and triumphant
as if a personal wealth-induced prize.

No sense of dignity the race wars increase.
Poverty an outrage in one of the richest lands
the globe has to invent.

No example of humanity at large, only night fighters
or is it the secret barrage of a bomb-laden drone
in the evil of night skies.

I have to begin to understand us, this twenty-first deluge.

What is it about us that appears to prefer
damage rather than preserve?

God oh God, what sort are you –
you who supposedly invented a human form
to live upon this once beauteous Earth?

Don’t under estimate the power of a man,
one who has been to war at least, the very least,
know what in that circumstance he can in violence abuse.

July 20th, 2014

So many opportunities…

Stormy weather right at my front door
no protective shield –
how did this happen it’s happened before?

How many times
must I be adverse to this advice?

My life purpose always confronting
the object of my tale.

So many opportunities
time and again it appears,
but I, an idle fearful soul lost out –
how does this do
when God it did to me appear?

Life offers up opportunities
to show or shove us into a gear –
a purposeful direction,
but do we listen, observe or care?

Don’t risk a repeat of a disaster;
weather does not continue to repeat
only our humanness
appears blind, ignorant and weak.

July 17th, 2014

God in the mind of man

Quietly spoken easy to miss
the master of observation
reveals what he observes.

Silently awakened a mind previously shut
opens up on a continual basis
as time and dedication to reflect
is held as sacred that of the divine
within our own head.

So much information,
knowledge beyond our own,
comes in abundance
when one is capable, adequate to that task.

My life is an adventure
as I wander life’s extraordinariness,
but what of my own experiences,
how against this once proud place
do I, amidst this tumultuous world, attest?

God in the mind of man openly portrays
whatever is required if time and patience,
respect and no denial is part of one’s life’s pace.

July 16th, 2014

Lost in a whirlwind

Take me home to that sanctuary
of a mindful thought and practice.
A place of revelation, hope and potential.

A place of joy and pain too of course,
but not out of the celebration and victories
of that horror of wars and the like.

Violent men and women struggle
at that gate for a greedy share
only to discover end time is always a threat
as it gathers momentum in the ages that follow –
generations I am saddened to declare.

July 15th, 2014