The Clever Observer

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Who are you

Oh no I feel it, I sense it, I know it,
surely not another war.
Worldly coming events mounting,
I do appreciate the need to address.
But surely not another war….
War does appear outrageous,
Diplomacy where are you, surely not a war.
First find a reason why so forward bent.
Is it a greed issue
or a major need for another worldly war statement –
a bravado event?

Who are you America? – A war ravaging machine?
If so I dare you take down a liberty girl
as crass and unseemly – contradiction to the core.
Who are you really, Mr Aggravated War?

Be who you are, don’t pretend
deceitful may you be, but to another country
a monger, that is what we know of you
as blind Miss Liberty is not in our nature
to be Miss or Mr Hypocrisy.

The truth for us not a constancy of lies.

Don’t hide your barrel
we can see you for miles.
Loud and trumpets blazing
an ugly sight indeed.

Courage – I don’t think so.
More a spoilt wounded child.

October 27th, 2014

The stakes are high

Sacrifice ‘what’, that is my question
as we are to be faced by another outbreak of war…
War of a disease, uncontrollable unless –
we are to wake out of a slumber
and into a real world crisis.

War is a virulent disease
and when one is stricken
then how is one capable of surviving?

The true facts are often hidden by the real propaganda misfits
as they prefer dumb and ignorant soles such as us
to be complacent and comply.

But forever more can we all stay as silent
as this now new event,
contagion spreading faster
than a conscience will allow to occur.

Who are we –
when faced by such a prophetic type of disease.
What type? Are you so sure of your interpretation
of this on our front home shores?


October 26th, 2014

It’s a conscience fix

Daily battling the ravages of war
I realise now it’s a conscience fix.

Territories uncertain
man’s mind in a twist
no clear understanding
about a life led
and precious is its day.

But oh how we suffer, blame and complain.
How do we survive
on twenty-first century terra firma,
there is so little sacred to remain?

Man made his fortune westernised style
bled every other surviving country
to ensure he alone prevail.

Why so selfish man made greed?
Why so corruptly fed by the devil of greed
to those who are homeless, restless and alone,
hungry and poor, idleness unsure?

But what is evident
without any recourse or doubt
man made blunder is what is at fault.
God help the sinner so aptly they sprout,
but who is a sinner
now that is one for all and everyone
to well and truly think about.

So much for language,
but who knows how to deduce
what is a propagandist
and that of one’s individual truth?

Personal experience leads one to know
who are the liars, but doubt wrecks truth
by allowing the devil to take our thoughts apart
when in fact our heart knows our true view.

Why lie about our worthiness
as a human being on Earth?
Maybe it’s a conscience question
and here lies our problem
for everyone on Earth.

Each man of a violent nature,
each woman who lacks the gift of nurture,
each child on the run,
everyone of us needs a call
to attend to the family, the unit of our birth.

Who is the devil?
Well, that is personal
and conscience comes to mind.
What type of thoughts over years
are being stored to the darkest of beliefs?

Who is the one who threatens our validity,
chastises our ability, our view, our belief?
Are we not our own version
of the obvious we dislike in others
or is it the mischief maker
within our unchecked beliefs?

It’s a conscience fix this warring mind
full of our past deeds and beliefs.

October 24th, 2014

God’s Spell

God is a euphemism. I know, I can attest. My whole life spent searching for an understanding of who I am and what I am presently on the Earth to pursue.
The mission if you like, for want of a better term – to explain that calling inner voice or that other than you type of feeling. Not quite sure what or who you are to refer to.

I had a premonition or sense that I was destined for a more worthy life and hence got up and took the road to find out what exactly that meant.

No more shifting sideways, avoiding the intent to do for myself the very best. In fact I searched over many lands, cultures and beliefs but only to find that calling continuing inside of me. There appeared in that venerable quantity of ideas a one off answer to my continual exasperation and here is what I understood as heard.

God is a euphemism, but a mighty honourable type of endeavour to pursue. However if one is unable to identify who they are and what they desperately want to pursue, there is nothing at the end of one’s life but a peculiar feeling that too much has been wasted and not enough earned to venture into that unknown quantity, the end of one’s life on Earth.

Many have followed down a search and rescue Self style path, only to end up in a madness that does not equate to the usual medical term.
When one is under the illusion that they are better than first thought, or had a notion that grandeur is part of their initial birth plan, then that is a notion more than is required to send one into never land and never there to aspire. Then when that day of awakening occurs, there is disaster and abandonment – the minimum to be experienced at that time.

Give me a break I said in terms not so sweet.
Come only when I require of you
and then to give me what I desire, I think.
Do persist, but not on your immediate terms,
those I will not venture until we talk out
and make a commitment to my particular needy terms.

Then comes a disaster way past what first was initially felt.
This is the ultimatum of a sort no one in the world actually wants to venture to take.
Comes in as a wave, a type of illusionary state,
but eventually comes under another and another type of illusion
and this I fear for anyone is worse than any loss to date.

Bring out the tissues, those delicate type of wiping cloths,
give over your day job and begin to genuflect in any way possible
rather than spit and shout.
Here in comes the crunch, just as you begin to undertake
further instructions the mind has reeled out for you to partake.
Various type influences flood your mind
taking you into avenues of delicate but often disastrous consequences
all of the times you feel inadequate and lose your sense of worthwhile self.

I thought that God was a type of influence in my life,
Biblical stories as soon as I could read or write.
Listening at night and at the various institutions’ view
I came readily as an adult to recognise the influence was more out of ignorance
than of an experience the type I was previously to go through.

Each in their own way knows what they experience, feel and understand.
Each knows what painful experiences and delightful agendas have in store,
but nothing like the visitations I went through for sure.
Well, that is my own experience
and I of course cannot begin to understand yours that too I am assured.
No apologies, this that I felt was more an undertaking
as if when I was first in my mother’s womb
prior to when I first awoke breathing under my own conditioned life stakes.

Here in the womb comfortable and supportively provided
a life began to form as the egg and sperm began a journey
more than most of us could possibly undertake.
But there it is.
Nature for you a most amazingly rich and often puzzling advanced beyond us state.
Here in the womb my mother gently prepared for her birth undertaking
a precariously dangerous state gaining momentum near to that eventual date.

Nothing in the world can prepare one for this event –
a real virginal opportunity to bring new life into another world
previously not known or difficult to undertake that pathway puzzle
until finally far too late.
Nothing in the world as wonderful as a birth,
coming together mother and child in union until that eventual cord is cut
and disconnect if felt and understood – divide.

Divided we begin our journey alone
each giving to the other until again another form of separation
and this time a difficulty until the world understands
that life on this planet is a universal call
to bring out the best one has inside to partake in that preservation
in whatever way we are designed to give
and call our own specific donation or breath of life.

God’s spell is a difficult one to pass by
without understanding the passage previously endured.
Each of our lives has a specific generational past to engage
with a wisdom instilled at our birth.
To give to the world we are able to endure something of a special significance
each our own journey provided since that initial birth.
Give in a way that provides a passionate type of call, a type of influence
that denies all other more often than not logical and rationally advanced knowing,
but there it is – just does.

In for the pounding and difficulties as they arise, yet it is all worth it
as illusion is part of that coming in and making one’s Self feel well and truly alive.
BUT and this is a big one as I previously explained
it does not come without problems when the light is turned on
and the view at this point does not readily reveal
all the gold and glory one did hope for at first.
But there is a silver lining much later down a very precariously difficult track
to come to recognise this journey about life is all and every way
really and truly all about you.
You who are inside waiting upon that time for that calling,
or voice, or vision or perhaps illness, ill-health of some kind.
Others comment it is more about the changes life provides
in having all your life support mechanisms fall along a way gone side.

I experienced many and they were all difficult
until I began to understand we are the worst kind,
putting ourselves down in the gutter far way below a level of agreeable side.
Then comes that disaster where a God leaves and we are left again.
If there is a religious dilemma involved here as to why, I do not quite understand.
Until one day as that eventual stage arises
there is a bigger light that let’s in more information than ever before
and this time it is for the better as the picture begins to be clear
that life on this planet is not entirely about you, but more about sustainment
and in how your life as a player can contribute
to the betterment of human habitation and the life span.

October 23rd, 2014

The disease is spreading

The disease is spreading far and wide
and nobody is concerned
except those with an inner helpful pride.

Nothing changes, man is a fool
thinks less before he speaks
and cares little for his fellow compatriots
across an ever widening divide.

Think that you will not be a party
to those of another colour or race,
because you feel your life better
or of some other particular race.

I agree, no need for help
when they are so very far away.
But then I thought, shit it is a plane ride
and almost certainly travellers will arrive.

Thank God for the thought
or else I would have made a mistake
and taken it into my head to think travel safe.

No harm in pretending
further afield life is on a perilous line
if we do not help those on that other plane
before the damn disease spreads further
until we too will be part of that territory
where safety and health no longer remain.

Give me no remedy
as at this point in time there is an experiment
and I do not want to be the first in line.
Now if we were able I am sure those far afield
would welcome a test experiment
let them have a trial.

Pharma big as they are, can come to the rescue
but let us face it they too will not want to
use any money for the poor.

Give them a break
they are not in the helping profession,
more likely the criminal class
robbing the poor to benefit the elite few.

Can’t give away when you are meanly disposed,
well not until you too become exposed.

I said from the beginning, it is time to assist
when only four cases, now the list goes on and on
until we are not entirely sure who will or will not
be a victim of the Ebola disease.

And then they espouse it could reach far and wide
with deaths in the thousands, maybe more and more.
WHO claims this and that, but WHO where were they
when the epidemic broke out
and did not first to be there and help?

Not much compassion on any form or level of expertise,
apart from those bravely courageous crew,
the MSF border less helping where ever as they do.

My heart goes out for those in the field,
but do I give a damn when collecting comes around?
Shit, I am poor and do not have enough to live.
Well, not how I would like to but that is not the point,
more like how I would feel
if one of my own got this disease –
then how would I respond?

My heart as I said is reaching in now,
down in the everglades to the bottom
to give what I can regardless as there is a need
so I do not get this,
that these others on another plane have.

Thanks for the donation and do give when you can –
this was the response from the medic border less crew.
So apologetic I went down on my knee
and thanked whoever is up there
that I found that heart again within side of me.

Love is what is happening
and I have an enormous difficulty with that,
when it comes to others who are not like us.
Love is what opened up within me
and now I have a difficulty
not benefitting from it with my own family.
So dysfunctional, so horrific I know,
but then this is a westernised country
in the twenty-first century.


Make up your mind who you are to be
for eventually the world will begin to come calling
and not necessarily with the type of greeting
you expect from an adversary.


God help the innocent
they are dead already,
but you my friend
what of you and the end time story?

October 21st, 2014