as wire technologically applied.
Several circuits do remain,
connected to a past in-ordinate chain.
People come and leave remnants to which we choose.
Mostly though decide and lose
the good influences of those beneficial sails
and prefer another more arduous course to be entailed.
Loss and harbouring of a past
reminds me of those events as if in me to terrify.
But you on earth a life a-new although with and like me
have had to be truthfully ignored, faced and endured.
Time alters no-one either way
until as night turns to day.
Then a new opportunity is born to decide
move on, use that learning experience and build
then a newish-type paradigm.
Some will speak, shout and display
another comes and continually,
faithfully, committed, explores their day
to open wide a channel of forms
to be in fact rewired, reborn.
God in all this venture stuff
does and goes to provide a growth inside
until that form of humanness
aches to have that hell removed
to make a space now to be with him,
that voice eternal left before,
but now on earth desires to unify, open and explore.
God now asks a core question of this new born soul on earth,
‘Do you have a desire you consider of worth?’
And in comes hell and thunder, damnation and pride,
as God declares love of all on earth as that prize.
February 22nd, 2015
Tags: Awake