The Clever Observer

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No one cares to notice

Not now my darling
the sky is falling fast.
Mountain tops eroding
the mining trade a-blast.

No one cares to notice
crime an everyday occurrence.
Play time for children – parking
inside some mind altering gadget
or machine.

No time for caring, sharing
or empathy at all.
The soldiers bathe in glory
no matter the quandary
child or man, woman or babe.

Matters not the kill, the damage
all part of that elite military thrill.
I suspect an atom will fall upon us soon.

Nuclear damage – well evidence of health
already a witness, but third world
so no need to hurry, plenty of spending yet
still for twenty-first century idleness
and greedy mentalities.
No place yet, but oh too soon.

April 5th, 2016

No tomorrow only today

I suddenly understood the meaning of my life
when in a church, for me too old to recall.
The age of which escapes me not,
but of the history rebirth resounding came rushing in…

That the two of me had briefly joined –
her death in me now to be reborn
a century or two must explain the difference
of language difficulty at first,
but not of a mutually agreeable voice.

This was in fact a newish experience of mine,
but to her a lifetime since I myself had been born.

She questioned me not at first
said she knew my whole life through
and I to her was a newish life to clearly see
what on Earth was able to be done
to alter man in his brain so very lost, forlorn,
hurting from long time past as if earlier times.

Corrupted views and of greed and hurtful events
much as is now in this the twenty-first century
rounding of the past histories events.

No time past as ill at ease – man in trouble
angels no – man is in the hands of devils,
demons sent to stir man’s head
and now in consciousness we few are to re-invent.

No tomorrow only today
wake up you moron
value and worth is the only way
to save your life and Earth.

Not much hope,
but try as you may
this, in this particular article to come
is the only hopeful way.

Save your soul,
that conscience – hidden far away.

April 2nd, 2016

God in the mind of man

Quietly spoken easy to miss
the master of observation
reveals what he observes.

Silently awakened
a mind previously shut
opens up on a continual basis
as time and dedication to reflect
is held as sacred
that of the divine
within our own head.

So much information,
knowledge beyond our own,
comes in abundance
when one is capable,
adequate to that task.

My life is an adventure
as I wander life’s extraordinary ways,
but what of my own experiences,
how against this once proud place
do I, amidst this tumultuous world, attest?

God in the mind of man openly portrays
whatever is required
if time and patience,
respect and no denial
is part of one’s life’s pace.

April 1st, 2016

When two hearts meet…what next

My heart your heart where do they meet?
Is it a possibility?
Or are you too afraid
of what will occur on such a day
when hearts combined reveal the truth
of who we are and can embrace?

The story of one who is aware fears a truth hidden,
but knows some way, deeply buried,
the treasure there within contains
the wisdom long past that of one’s own
very short inexperienced and valued life.

But what of that deeper knowing treasured within?
Who has the clarity, judgement and knowledge
to pass by that fearful stage, unpack any horrible violent sight
and conquer the fearful past and enter into that eternal light?

I know I have seen it in dream-like states of meditation
or prayerful reflective phase,
but this that I am to enter is a whole new life –
a world away not known prior
and what it says for me to embrace, –

I am uncertain, for fear of another type will surely mean
taking out of the gold the precious gem held tightly within
and this can only bring another voice of which a sacrifice,
a worldly stage, to take and hold and clearly view
to orchestrate how and what with this so precious cargo I am to do.

September 15th, 2015

Man is at death’s door

I have to tell you right now
your prayers are in doubt
as word, my word is out.

God has spoken
man is at death’s door
fighting on every plane
no word for him to heed
such as this so hideous war.

I want told, by you who are to care
to stop that prayerful moan down there.
The ears are aching
the whole universe destroyed
what next you foolish idle folk
a war, a war – so mad of mind you are.

Give over, give to me a chance
to re-work your conscience,
a rewiring at best
then perhaps foolishness dies
and gentle as a lamb to be to you
I can then love and caress.

God so has spoken – the word is out
‘love you neighbour’.
Or hell on this plane of Earth
is about to bleed hence forth
as I the Almighty cause a catastrophic roar
and all you minnows will be no, no more.

August 30th, 2015