The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Sounds of War'

No time for sentiment

Radio communication lost along a trail.

Sorry – no time for sentiment
war is about to wage
and hell about to be born.

No sense of triumph
No sense of how…
how to stop the violence
man now on the inhumane trail.

No time.
No defence.

A once quiet scene

Trust came along and belted me in the ear.
I heard the sound, the crack upon my mind.
Whatever had I been doing out there –
globally, violently, abusively –

Man, what a monster
when life and death appear so unfair.
Crime – no,
a disaster upon a once quiet scene,
a life enhancing, grace-filled space
destruction now – now no place free or safe.

January 27th, 2014

Who shall weep…

My heart is broken,
my head is gone.
No place no more
for me to be found.

I am lost and lonely,
dead and gone
and who shall weep my tears now…

Now that life after this war has gone –
memories of the madness fail to remember
again and again as was our plight.

So much, so young, so solemn we lay
of consciousness and more.
The place of loss, horrific-ness
there are no more cruel violations left
to be explored.

Done and dusted
we here lament and cry…
No more further warring –
too many battles and crimes they fed
for years of plunder felt
as each man, woman and child do know
and now lament in a total lasting grip of grief.

Poverty assailed man’s mind
and hence war claims his body
and we who lie among this burdensome lot
cry out our cries continually …
no more war you silly flock
peace is what next is required to be explored.

January 3rd, 2014

No satisfaction guaranteed

No satisfaction guaranteed – when a winner dies.

The value of an army- is powerful stuff
fight at will
the winner a hero
the booty immense.

But fail to be a winner
then the race is on
to find an excuse
death the best

But who is the victim – to be crucified
to make amends
for all that money spent and worse
the people dying – wounded in part
and most of them dead.

But this is not a problem –
collateral is evident anywhere you look.
This that is troubling
is to find a reason to begin over again
to claim that booty – endlessly.


December 6th, 2013

Constantly they come

Constantly, constantly coming to me; the men.
I am unable to bear their stories of woe,
their voices extra-ordinarily high pitched in tone
whisper, not more than a gargle, rumble or groan.

Where do they come from, how do they come
and call my name; who is behind this terrible
frustrating gaggle of men, ducks at a party
being shot by their keeper, their lord?

What of this tale – life is rotten, riddled by a disease.
No way of rescuing this plight, the damage pervasive,
endless crime.

God in Her glory sang out no more war and victory
as man does declare,
She in her haven cradles a cripple, a wounded soldier
who lives no more, but strafed by fear
for what he has had to bear, says no man again
should have to experience the same.

No more violence no more war,
Man is dying.
Life on our planet is rich no more.

November 17th, 2013

Over there over here

Barely ninteen
the Cold War
the French Revolution
Hiroshima bombing
millions dead
continual war
who cares
who benefits?

The golden lined sinners,
the rest in continual
devastation and despair.

The wars continue,
who are you in this time
of warring fools
and megalomaniac-al
greed lined tools?

November 3rd, 2013