The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Sounds of War'

The evidence trail

The eagle has landed,
on whose nest?

The eagle is hungry
and not to build and protect.

What is his quarry?
What is his gain?
Why is he back
on the vulture and parade’s game?

Many wonder the aim
of that particular species of bird.
Many, in particular the quarry,
as it appears a world wide search.

Eons of predatory game.
Eons of a spectacular sort
of preying machine.

And what of the gain, the evidence trail?
What of the families taken by mishap?
What of the bread basket
and water fall traps?

Who is the orchestrator
of such as this bird-mentality,
herding the skies to round up victims?

Neither deciding or declaring who.
Just a deceitful game.


September 14th, 2016

Stop warring

Sometimes I wonder why violence,
in a world of beauty, is extreme.

Why people are displaced
by a famine or flood
without proper information
to protect
what historically is known?

Why man made creative, thoughtful ideas
are put to a devastatingly violent, abusive scene,
where warring mentality is not viewed as obscene?

I consider my behaviour
and wonder why
humility, humanity and compassion
regularly die.

Inwardly aware, I know experientially,
goodness and care, acceptance,
tolerance and fair.
But however much I subject myself
to levels of unacceptable behaviour
that of a kind voice of forgiveness,
fairness and learning admonishes
and advises in how to choose from then on…


August 29th, 2016

Long lost friends

Long lost friends are gone forever more
and we the few lay vacant
as to how to survive.

The weather bleak.
The waves un-rested from the storm
and we here sit and wonder why and how
the world became so ugly and left its mark,
the dawn of time no more.

What is it about us as man
that left the idle rich rule the land?
What type of adventurous soul
left that mark and soil
to ruin him to sustain for all?

What type of genius
thought of GMO as a way to go?
What type of idiot
framed the world as one
and called it a game?

The horrifying thought
that nuclear war was a way to go
made me think
whatever was I a part to play
to let the world, once formidable and grand
to wretched and vile on every soil
stench with that of war and decay?


August 24th, 2016

The valley of death

Take me away from the excesses of war
that starve my human potential.

Give to me a world away from the violence
portrayed on every nation.
Give to me the valley of gold
that enriches the beauty
I have and hold within me.

Love that life.
Gift that joy
with more of the peace-filled harmony
that guides and protects.

And no longer subject me to the hate
of those who perpetrate such crimes.
Criminals of every kind.

No humour in my life but pain
to see such vile portrayal
of human disgusting behaviour

Regardless of the knowledge
that we each are sacred vessels
of more potential
than what war repeatedly scores
for those few vile and ugly souls.

August 22nd, 2016

There are a few

There are a few out there who claim
to be Christian and care.
While others do care and not claim
religion as rightfully theirs.
While those who profess and confess none
appear to own their vile unrest
persecuting all the rest.

None but us in the West
have to answer to a higher form
known as conscience
which no longer, in our case is the norm.

While others terrorise us from inside
they are actually making a statement
about how you have, in their land
terrorised for years and years.

Bombing indiscriminately, caring little
but calling it all ‘Democracy’.

August 6th, 2016