The Clever Observer

The Clever Observer

Entries Tagged as 'Sounds of War'

This blood-letting crime

It is not fair…
the rifle buggered
I am out of bullets anyhow
so what the difference does it make
with half my troops under mud
so thick I do not even recognise
their agony or smile
depending how they died that day.

I saw at first light
the troop numbers dead or dying
by those left almost standing,
shivering in the cold of day.

Some had not stopped crying
from fear or loss
perhaps both
with what they witnessed the day before –
A bloody battle had begun
and then as riflemen did fall
bayonets began to clash –
the metal sound entering their flesh.

God only knows
why boys must die this way
and mothers and fathers tragedy will be theirs
until they at least, in their old age, will be dead.

God only helps those who are to survive
this blood-letting crime
so we can at least one day go home
no matter how few
we must forever constantly ensure
the madness of this day, this year, this scene
does not ever again be repeated religiously

as some tribal festivity.

June 26th, 2011

They Must Have Been Mistaken

They must have been mistaken
when they did the body count,

for I was unable to distinguish
who these men were
after battle blast and shout.

God help them one and all
to find a place of rest,
surely not here
where that blast will be
a permanent site of unrest.

June 8th, 2011

Echoes of Somme Mud

I had to be alone,
but as soldiers clamber over hill
and rugged blasted terrain
huddled whenever possible
to feel their living flesh –

For all, but the very few to remain
were lost
lying deep,
upon a blood-drenched and squalid soil

My heart a mess, my mind ever vigil,
but terribly confused
I knew my time was all but up
and yet with these I had a one last goodbye
before an impending dawn of more,
much more of the same.

What horrid, horrible landscape I see,
no grass of green no more.

And whence one is able – the mud,
the stench lay here above our throat
to inhale the messiness and confusion of war.

No-one knows whoever will be next,
but pray it be another.
And yet in that horrible, fearful way
think more about the ones at home
than here among each other.

God give us back our life
as before
the thrill, the pang has gone
the future now is what I seek
without this squalor of war.

May 25th, 2011